Which radio is it? I’ve got a PAW classic, the USB radio was replaced a couple of months ago, the one inside the case (which I assume is on the Pi circuit board) hasn’t been (and I don’t know if it can be)
There's a radio bridge inside the case, last time I looked or fixed one, it was a separate daughter board. If faulty, and it's a big if, it can be replaced. Be wary of static when replacing, if this doesn't mean anything, leave well alone.
The radio bridge is a transceiver. A damaged aerial can result in reflected power back from a mistermination causing a problem in the output stage of the transmitter. This is a bit techie, I know, but that's just how it is...
The "USB radio" is an SDR and does 1090MHz for ADS-B and mode S
I should add both aerials are new and bought from Pilotaware
If damage has occurred to a transmitter stage, replacing the aerial doesn't fix that.