Hi Neil,
As promised, I have had another look at the database, track replay via groundstations and coverage via the Vector Tool. All 3 indicate excellent ADSB coverage, but poor / very intermittent P3i coverage - at least using your 'official' 407F92 Hex ID.
Unless your unit has somehow reverted to the 'default' MAC-based Hex ID again, it appears that there is still an issue with your P3i transmissions. Unfortunately I don't have access to the relevant part of the database to ascertain the MAC of your PAW myself (so I can't check for reports under that Hex ID), and I obviously can't phone Ash at this time of night to get it. I will however speak to him in the morning and see if we can get to the bottom of what is going on.
In the meantime a few thoughts / questions.
EDIT: Having just re-read the full thread I see that some of these questions were answered back on page 1, sorry
. For the sake of clarity, I have added your earlier replies here.Is your DeltaJet fibreglass or carbon fibre?
A: fibreglassI am assuming you are using an externally mounted 1/4 wave monopole antenna on a suitable ground plane. Is this correct?
A: Yes - PAW External aerialsIf so, where on the aircraft is it mounted?
A: antennas are below the aircraft with sticky sheet metal backplaneI still need the following...Have you checked for electrical continuity between the outer of the P3i antenna cable at the PAW and the metal ground plane? (If the ground plane isn't working properly there will be a significant impedance mismatch which could account for lack of transmitted signal).
Where is the PAW itself fitted? (of lesser significance with extenal antennas, but still relevant in relation to the next question)
What are you using to provide the GPS data - plugged-in GPS dongle or remote GPS 'mouse'? And if the latter, where is the mouse positioned?
How are you powering the PilotAware? - if directly from the aircraft, how is it wired and what make/type of 12 volt to USB reducer are you using?
Do you have any photos of the installation available?
Depending on the above, I may also ask you to power up the unit and take and provide screen grabs from the PAW 'in situ' and running. If so I will get in touch and explain exactly what I need you to provide.
Best Regards Meantime