Author Topic: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.  (Read 11407 times)


Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« on: June 27, 2024, 02:43:58 pm »
Hi, firstly I'm new to the forum, so Hello.
I have just brought a Rosetta, all be it used, and have had it transfered over to me snd I have just renewed the licence.  In order to get the full benefits of the system I have fitted the iGrid dongle,  from PAW, and all I get is the Orange waiting to connect light.
 I am using a Samsung 20 Ultra running Android 13, the hot spot is showing android AP and it has connected firstly to another S20 and also a S5. I have checked the software updates and my Rosetta is on the latest one.
Any ideas? Also when I fit the dongle, I get voltage errors, I'm using an Anker 20,000.mA battery pack.


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2024, 05:32:50 pm »
I would start by eliminating the voltage error.

You need a very good USB A to micro B (PilotAware has strict requirements) Juicebitz or other recommended cable in the Knowledge Base.

When the voltage error is gone then it's worth checking in the network page that the router function is visible, that it is then switched on and the Rosetta is connected to the hotspot?

But you cannot diagnose other faults with voltage errors, as I understand it...


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2024, 02:10:48 pm »
Hi Andy

are you using the USB cable that is provided with the product ?
this should be 20AWG core power.

Also can you post screenshots of your following pages
- Home
- Network
- Logging



Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2024, 12:09:53 pm »
Hi Steve and Lee,
I've fitted a juicebitz power cable and it voltage error appears to be clear.
I have taken some screenshots of the pages Lee wanted to see and have included radar as well.


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2024, 12:11:26 pm »


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2024, 12:13:43 pm »


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2024, 12:17:05 pm »


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2024, 12:28:15 pm »
Hi Steve and Lee,
I've fitted a juicebitz power cable and it voltage error appears to be clear.

Lee is the boss and the 100% real deal expert.

However, until he has a spare moment, you might want to diagnose this further by turning the router function on, where the option is on the network page, then hitting "Save".

See what happens with GSM then...


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2024, 07:23:24 pm »
Hi Steve, enabled and saved router, however GSM still orange.


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2024, 07:40:39 pm »
Just tried something while playing with my S5, running on thevhotspot. I typed in the IGtid ip address and it gave me a radar page but still with an orange GSM.


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2024, 03:32:42 pm »
This is actually connected to the grid I think

The issue appears to be GPS - which I cannot understand why it is reported as GSM

Where is the unit located ?
It needs a good view of the sky


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #11 on: July 02, 2024, 08:08:20 pm »
Hi Lee, I have had the unit running without the GSM dongle and the GPS has worked correctly, and  when I've powered it up at home with the dongle fitted, the GPS seems to work okay. The radar changes to my local area.


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2024, 04:34:35 pm »
Hi Andy and a belated Welcome to the Forum from me,

Sorry to appear on here 'late in the day' so to speak. I seem to have been extremely busy with other issues recently.

I'm slightly confused as to what Lee means by 'This issue appears to be GPS - which I cannot understand why it is reported as GSM.'

From your screenshot of your 'Home' Screen (Mistitled as Network in Reply #5 above BTW), your Rosetta didn't have a GPS fix at the point the screenshot was taken (June 27 at 13:17), hence GPS showing as Amber at the bottom of the screen (present but awaiting a fix) and Barometer showing Red (because it doesn't report until the unit has a GPS altitude fix for comparison), but the unit uptime was reported as only 3 minutes, so it was probably still trying to locate enough satellites and obtain a 3D fix. This is pretty normal - especially if the unit was indoors, mounted 'upside down' (GPS antenna blocked by its own pcb) or in any other way screened from a clear view of the sky.

That same screenshot however confirms a positive iGRID connection by virtue of the green borders around BOTH the wlan1 and iGRID reporting boxes (and also confirmed by the green 'fill' on AndroidAP on the Network Screen.

I agree with Steve's suggestion to Enable Router if you have a reliable iGRID connection by the way - that allows you to make full use of for example SkyDemon's 'Use Internet whilst flying' option.

The Orange GSM box on the Radar Screen is reporting a poor GSM signal - most probably due to a poor connection between your phone and your GSM network. I get this a lot these days, though I'm not sure if this is due to deterioration in my phone performance since our early iGRID testing (I'm still using a Galaxy S9+) or something more sinister! I need to investigate this further with Lee and Chris.

My suggestion would be to try it on the ground in a position where you can obtain a solid 3D GPS Fix and also know you have a good solid GSM signal on your phone, and if this is OK then try it in the air at low level and let us know what happens. If you suspect there is an issue with your phone, try rebooting your phone and let us know if that makes any difference.

(PAW Development Team)


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2024, 08:48:14 pm »
Hi Peter, firstly, I checked my GSM signal, and I'm  only getting 2 bars at home, which is where I've been setting up the Rosetta. I have tried my S3 (small enough to fit on the instrument panel) and have used the iGrid IP, and have now got the rainfall function on radar. So I guess I'm getting iGrid even if it only shows orange on the GSM. I won't be able to test fully until the weekend,when I can  get down to the airfield.
Thanks for  everybody's assistance.

Andy G.


Re: Fitted PAW supplied dongle and GSM remains Orange.
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2024, 05:54:09 pm »
Hi, here's an update of progress to date.
I brought a brand new, El Cheapo, android phone with android 14 go version on it. Google app store said not compatible with phone. Unpacked phone from Amazon 17:00 hrs, repacked and back at carrier, 19:00.
Visited  brother in law, who's an iPhone fan,  down loaded update in 5 minutes. Latest software release installed.
Had breakfast with mates this morning one of which has an iPhone SE 2020. Set up Rosetta in carpark and hey presto,  4 greens.
Went to phone shop, brought iPhone SE 2020 for £90, and 4 greens
Moral of story, buy a cheap iPhone to use purely as data link.