I'm leaning in the same direction. I have had a couple of 'Waiting For Device' messages but they did not last very long and auto-connected again. The most recent was after only about 15 minutes. I have a serial connection to my Skyview HDX and traffic remained on the Dynon screen. To add to the confusion, my PAW is served GPS from the HDX and the GPS remained on the HDX, so I do not think it is GPS related.
I'm almost certain it's not GPS related.
With phone and (new) tablet running simultaneous, only the tablet has the problem. Phone is rock solid
every flight.
Also, when I use my other (older) tablet in place of the new tablet (same location in the plane) , this also runs without the dropouts.
I think it is an Android version issue (or my tablet is knackered - don't think so as it works fine on my home wifi).
I've tried all the recommendations I can find on internet for wifi dropping but has had no affect, which sort of make me think it is a PAW / android version incompatibility.