Hi Alex,
Sorry for the delay in replying. I was away at Popham all weekend so rather busy, then had to fly all the way back up to East Fortune.
You still haven't given us your actual current PAW software version - it is reported on the first line of each track file, including the one you quote from in your latter post.Thank you so so much! All super interesting and very details and triggered lots of thoughts, so might not be a short answer from myself either as some points are carry over from the original post idea and some completely new
1) The erratic behaviour you shared – does that mean that if I have mode-s 3D enabled – I am fairly likely to be displayed with similar output in my PAW? If so – I must admit I would probably go for disabling the 3D MLAT as got me thinking that I might be wrongly looking for a plane in a certain direction, so rather look all around due to a bearing less notification.
No definitely not - enabling Mode-S 3D simply allows you to see Multilaterated (triangulated) Positional Targets Reports for Mode-S aircraft where these are available, instead of just Bearingless Target Reports. It has no effect whatever on the performance of your own aircraft transmissions. My advice would
always be to enable Mode-S 3D as soon as you are
fully aware of what it does and how it works (which is why it isn't enabled by default).
2) I in fact flew today and experienced a situation when an aircraft was first showing as bearlingless target and then next minute as a specific position. My Mode S 3D was disabled then, so in such circumstances it would totally make sense that possibly that other aircraft had some portable device that was visible sometimes to my PAW but not always. See first screenshot attached.
Unfortunately the screenshots are a bit poor to see exactly what they are reporting (especially the one with the red ring). Even zooming in, I simply can't see enough to confirm whether the two reports are from the same aircraft. Assuming, however that they are, that would be perfectly normal expected behaviour for a Mode-S aircraft
if you had Mode-S 3D enabled. Mode-S displays as Bearingless (so a circle on SD with Relative Alt - and Reg ID if 'Show Registrations' is selected in SD Nav Options) when you have
NO ATOM, iGRID or SkyGRID uplink. It then swaps automatically to a 'known position' target if you get a Mode-S 3D report from ATOM, iGRID or SkyGRID, then drops back to Bearingless if you lose the uplink(s) again. I note, however, that you say you had Mode-S 3D
disabled. In that case the signal must have been swapping between raw Mode-S and CAP1391 (or PilotAware) - so between Bearingless and Known Position - which fits with what I found in my analysis of your earlier track reports for G-NXOE). PAW would then prioritise the 'known position' reports while they were being received (even from a weak CAP1391 or PAW signal) but would drop back to a Bearingless Report with no position whenever the CAP1391/PAW signal dropped out.
3) I have to point out that original question is unfortunately still remains a bit of a mystery because it was not really about MLAT or anything. I know for sure that they left a CAP1391 on by mistake in a parked and completely shut down aircraft and I was only 50m away from it, but still saw it as bearing less through PAW (second screenshot).
That is still a bit of a mystery.
The lower screenshot 'appears' to show G-NXOE reporting as '
Mode-S + ALT' - or we a.) wouldn't have a Bearingless ring, and b.) wouldn't have the Aircraft Reg showing. If it was only transmitting Modes A/C, it would report as 'C-xxxx'). The REG 'might' of course be coming from the SkyEcho, but I can't see how you would get a Bearingless ring associated with it - except as I explained earlier that there was a very short-term glitch in (I think) the Ground Station Software, which was reporting some CAP1391 units as DF17 - which is the mode transmitted by Mode-S/ES (ADSB) Transponders. That fault was however found and fixed extremely quickly, so shouldn't 't have persisted (hence why I need to know the PAW software version that was in use at the time of your log.
My log decoding skills are a bit rusty (I usually leave that to Lee), but your reported log-line certainly does seem to show G-NXOE reporting as Mode A/C - and not Mode-S or S/ES (ADSB), sorry I can't remember what the rest of it means. That might be explainable if the transponder had been left in 'Standby' or 'Ground Mode' or has a Squat Switch, to stop full transmission until in the air.
I still thing it's an issue with G-NXOE.
Best Regards