Author Topic: New iPhone v iGrid Hotspot  (Read 2659 times)


New iPhone v iGrid Hotspot
« on: May 28, 2023, 09:26:29 am »
Ahoy All,

A friend of mine was having difficulty getting his Hotspot to connect and, yesterday, I attempted to help him resolve the problem.

Everything is set up correctly as far as his PAW and WIFI dongle are concerned. The trouble is his iPhone just does not appear on the client list on the network page. We tried with my iPhone (XR) and it all worked okay. His is a new 14 ProMax.

His phone was discoverable but did not show on any lists. One thing I did think is not the same as my phone and MAY be (a)significant with his connection and (b)significant for iGrid users getting new iPhones is that when his Personal Hotspot was green (and discoverable), the blue WIFI circle went white and, so, disconnected from the PAW. Maybe they always do that as, to be honest, I've never really looked and it may not be significant at all.

We were using his iPad Mini to look at the PAW set up, so were not using the phone as the hotspot AND to look at PAW. The iPad was connected to the PAW WIFI and the PAW was supposed to connect to the iPhone's Hotspot but we never saw it appear on the lists.

Of course, the cache was cleared a few times and the 'refresh' button used regularly.

Any clues as to what we were doing wrong or is this feature of the fancy new iPhone?



Re: New iPhone v iGrid Hotspot
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2023, 09:03:28 pm »

I have an iPhone 14 Pro. Under the Hotspot setup, make sure you switch on 'Maximise Compatibility'. This makes sure the phone sets up its access point using 2.4G (not 5G) - you should then be able to see it on the Rosettas Network config screen.



Re: New iPhone v iGrid Hotspot
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2023, 09:31:34 am »
Thanks Chris. I'm pretty sure that was turned off, so we'll certainly give that a go  :) :)