Author Topic: Avidyne IFD Capstone support  (Read 3852 times)


Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« on: May 02, 2023, 12:25:05 pm »
Avidyne IFD navigators running V10.3 software allow traffic (and weather) display from non-certified ADS-B receivers such as Stratus using the Capstone protocol.  Has anyone had any luck configuring this to work with PilotAware? I have just tried but got a message implying that no messages were being received from the PilotAware, even though both devices are connected to the same (PilotAware) WiFi network. Have I configured something incorrectly,  or is Capstone not supported (yet)?


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2023, 02:04:25 pm »
do you have a reference specification for the 'capstone protocol' ?



Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2023, 02:24:15 pm »
Avidyne IFD navigators running V10.3 software allow traffic (and weather) display from non-certified ADS-B receivers such as Stratus using the Capstone protocol.  Has anyone had any luck configuring this to work with PilotAware? I have just tried but got a message implying that no messages were being received from the PilotAware, even though both devices are connected to the same (PilotAware) WiFi network. Have I configured something incorrectly,  or is Capstone not supported (yet)?
Did you set PAW to transmit at 115,200?  I have a distant memory of an Avidine system that would only take input at that speed.
Designer and maker of, smart universal USB chargers designed for aviation.  USB Type-A and USB-C power without the RF interference. Approved for EASA installs under CS-STAN too.


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2023, 04:03:36 pm »
A good thought, but I don't think the bitrate is relevant in this context - it's a WiFi connection.

Having looked for the Capstone protocol, it does appear to be a bit of a hard thing to track down. Wikipedia does have some info about the FAA Capstone project, and some other references (e.g. Foreflight and some new articles) which suggest that Capstone is shorthand for "GDL-90 Extended" and/or "ADS-B over WiFi" and give some information about the protocol itself. The FAA GDL90 specification is available, but I can't find anything about the "Extended" part.

Mike Salmon from Avidyne suggests they will work with "equipment manufacturers" but not with individuals to assist with setups, including giving access to the "Avidyne SDK" if needed. from 25 minutes in seems to give the most information, especially the slide on screen at 35 minutes.


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2023, 09:31:39 pm »
Gdl90 and capstone appear synonymous
Unless there is some security feature in avidyne

If you have access to skydemon, you can see that gdl90 works, by selecting this in skydemon


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2023, 11:30:04 pm »
Thanks Lee - sounds like it may be a setup and/or wetware issue. I'll keep trying and update as appropriate.


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2023, 11:55:03 am »
I've tried to get the Capstone/IFD to work with PilotAware but thus far no luck. I have two devices connected to the PilotAwa re WiFi - an iPad running SkyDemon and the Avidyne IFD100 app, and the IFD itself.  SkyDemon will connect to either the PilotAware or the IFD, getting traffic from PAw (using either GDL90 or Pilotaware protocols) and sharing flight plans with the IFD, although sadly SkyDemon can't do both at the same time (you need to select which you want from the GoFlying menu). However the IFD doesn't seem to get the data out is expecting from Pilotaware,  reporting "data link fail".

Can I do anything else to diagnose?


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2023, 01:39:46 pm »
Hi Mike
Do you have any contacts at avidyne?


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2023, 04:06:28 pm »
I gave it one last try and got it working!!!!

Here are a few hints and tips to help others as there are a lot of steps to go through before it works...

  • Make sure you're running IFD 10.3 or later - it doesn't work in 10.2
  • Make sure you do NOT have a hardwired ADS-B receiver configured - this will (and should) always take precedence over an uncertified device connected over WiFi
  • Connect the IFD to the PilotAware network (Aux->Setup->Networks and add the WiFi network name and password)
  • Allow the IFD to receive data from the PilotAware hotspot (Aux->Setup->Devices->>Always) - this was the step I'd missed
  • Configure the IFD to use Capstone protocol data (Maintenance->Config->Wireless Portables (Page 14)->Capstone->Enabled). To enter maintenance mode, either:
    • Insert a USB stick before powering up the IFD
    • Select Aux->Sys->Download Logs

When looking at the map page, you should now see an additional icon to the left of the TRK display. This icon is a red circle with a diagonal line through it and some cyan letters. If the letters are "TRFC" then the link to PilotAware is NOT working. If the letters are "TIS-B" then the link to PilotAware is WORKING. Traffic will appear as blue triangles with a speed-dependent extended track line, with a relative altitude behind and the aircraft registration in white text on a black box ahead of the aircraft symbol. Traffic is filtered by height and range using the settings within in PilotAware. Audible traffic alerts will NOT be produced by the IFD when the data is from an uncertified source, so you will have to continue to rely on PilotAware itself and/or your EFB.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2023, 04:08:18 pm by T67M »


Re: Avidyne IFD Capstone support
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2023, 06:03:45 pm »
Excellent well done !