Author Topic: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin  (Read 4911 times)


PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« on: November 20, 2021, 01:46:09 pm »
Hi all,
Does PAW work well with Foreflight. Is it working in the same way that Skydemon does using GDL90 ?

I heard that Garmin have a proprietary protocol for traffic info, so no integration of PAW and Garmin panels like G3x yet ?


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2021, 05:58:43 pm »
Yes on both questions
Its very annoying on Garmin, but they have a proprietary approach


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2022, 02:41:09 am »
It seems that FLARM can now send TIS data over RS232:

If you have a compatible Garmin device, this option will enable you to see FLARM traffic on your favorite display.

The Garmin device has to support Garmin TIS over RS-232

So in theory it is possible.


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2022, 01:22:03 am »

Just bumping this thread because Garmin Pilot version 10.7 does now support Stratux with GDL90 protocol, and with version 11 it will support SkyEcho.

Is there a way to make PAW emulate either of these devices (Stratux or SkyEcho)?

TIA, Peter.


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2022, 11:19:11 am »
PilotAware outputs gdl90
So this should work


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2022, 11:46:08 pm »
PilotAware outputs gdl90
So this should work

Yes it should work, but for some reason it doesn’t. I guess there’s some kind of handshake between GP and the “supported” GDL90 devices.

Since PAW is a Raspberry pi, could it be programmed to emulate, and pretend to be, one of the supported devices?


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2022, 07:41:24 am »
I will try and take a look


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #7 on: August 01, 2022, 10:44:38 am »
From the Stratux docs at

Protocol & network information

Stratux uses GDL90 protocol over port 4000 UDP. All messages are sent as unicast messages. When a device is connected to the stratux Wi-Fi network and a DHCP lease is issued to the device, the IP of the DHCP lease is added to the list of clients receiving GDL90 messages.

The GDL90 is "standard" with the exception of three non-standard GDL90-style messages: 0xCC (stratux heartbeat), 0x5358 (another stratux heartbeat), and 0x4C (AHRS report).

How to recognize stratux

In order of preference:

1. Look for 0xCC (or 0x5358) GDL90 heartbeat message. This is sent at the same time as the GDL90 heartbeat (0x00) message.
2. Look for Wi-Fi network that starts with "stratux".
3. Detect Wi-Fi connection, verify stratux status with JSON response from ws://
4. Use the the second stratux status message.
See main/gen_gdl90.go:makeStratuxHeartbeat() for heartbeat (#1) format.


I don’t know which of the above recognition methods GP uses, but I could easily try 2.



Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2022, 06:46:50 pm »
I tried just setting the SSID to “stratux” - without success.

Next step might be to set the PAW’s IP to

However, I gather (perhaps incorrectly) that the facility for users to change the IP address was removed from PAW some time ago.


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2023, 06:26:49 pm »
The latest version of GP (11.1.4) has added “generic GDL90 device support” so it now seems to work with PilotAware. I haven’t tried it in flight yet, but it shows commercial traffic from my hangar.


Re: PAW integration with Foreflight and or Garmin
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2023, 08:06:45 am »
Hi Jacko,

An interesting development - certainly looks promising. Please keep us posted on your findings - especially once you manage to test it 'in flight'.

Best Regards
