Author Topic: Wifi Network Disappears  (Read 3806 times)


Wifi Network Disappears
« on: January 22, 2023, 03:20:15 pm »
I'm using a Pilot Aware classic.

It's powered by an Anker 20100 power bank.

I regularly find that the wifi network disappears. To be clear, I don't mean that my tablet just disconnects from the Pilot Aware network, but rather that the network disappears altogether. So search for it to rejoin results in no network found. The only solution is to power down the PA, and power it up again.

When I connect it first, it often fails very quickly. After 3 or 4 reboots, it tends to become more stable, but even in flight, I'll usually have to reboot it once or twice.

I've two different Anker Power banks and the same thing happens with both. I've put a USB meter on it, and don't see any voltage drop.

Our aircraft recently got some USB outlets fitted and I've tried connecting to those and the same issue persists.

I bought some short, original Anker USB leads. So they should be high quality and have a very short run (about 15cm) so the cable shouldn't be an issue.

I tried turning down the wifi power on the PA, to reduce power consumption in case that was the issue, but it didn't result in any noticeable improvement.

I should say that this is a long standing problem, that I've just not got around to posting about previously.

In summary, I've tried 2 different high quality Anker Power Banks plus aircraft power, and tested with a usb meter. I've tried a number of high quality cables.
Not sure what else to try.
Is there anything that I should be looking for in the log files that might help to diagnose the issue?


Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2023, 04:45:08 pm »
This sounds like a hardware fault
Are you able to connect an hdmi monitor/tv and see if any error messages are produced on boot


Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2023, 06:17:03 pm »
Yes. I've connected it to my hdmi and I don't see any indication of any error on startup. It's lots of "Ok"s followed by a Pi Login.

That isn't too surprising because it usually all works on first startup. But after 5 mins the wifi disappears.
There are no visible changes on my hdmi connected monitor when the wifi disappears. It just remains at the pi log in screen.

Is there any log files that might give a clue?

Ian Melville

Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2023, 09:02:06 pm »
Sounds like the WiFi dongle is on it's last legs. I have had a couple fail. They can get hot, especially if adjacent to the SDR module.


Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2023, 11:25:53 pm »
Hi Colm,

I agree with Ian - as you have tried various power banks, aircraft powered USB sources and power cables, you have effectively eliminated the possibility of a power supply / cable issue. You also report no boot issues reported via your monitor, so it's unlikely to be a software fault. This leaves a failing WiFi dongle as the most likely possibility.

The only other likely possibility would be if you were using an iPhone as your display device, but you say you are not.

I see that you have also asked on a separate thread about setting up your PAW as a Router and been pointed to how to do so using iGRID, and that you have ordered an iGRID Connectivity Module from the PilotAware Store, which is effectively the same as a standard WiFi dongle but configured as a client to connect to your Phone Hotspot.

If you don't sort out the basic WiFi connectivity problem first, however, you obviously won't be able to connect any client devices to the PAW to receive either the standard GPS/Traffic data or Weather or other data called via the 'Router', so I suggest you use the new dongle as a replacement for your standard WiFi first and let us know if this solves the basic connectivity problem, then order a second dongle to set up iGRID.


« Last Edit: January 22, 2023, 11:27:57 pm by exfirepro »


Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2023, 06:05:45 pm »
Hi all to be clear the igrid dongle cannot be used as a WiFi dongle for a pilotaware classic




Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2023, 08:55:57 am »
Keith, (and Colm),

I was aware that you can use the old type WiFi dongles (as used in the PAW Classic) to supply the iGRID link - if for example you have upgraded a PAW Classic to a Pi3B (as used in Rosetta - which of course utilises the Pi3B's inbuilt WiFi for the PAW Hotspot) - or as an addition to Rosetta itself to provide the iGRID link (which is exactly what I and many of my associates in the testing group have been using since the early iGRID Beta trials - before the new 'iGRID WiFi Connectivity Modules' became available). I therefore naturally assumed that the two dongles were interchangeable.

I don't think I was ever made aware of any issue with trying to use the 'New' dongles as the primary WiFi in a Classic - or I wouldn't have suggested this to Colm to try to resolve his 'Disappearing WiFi' issue with his PAW Classic in the first place.

Sorry if my apparent misunderstanding caused any confusion  :-\

I take it from your recent post in the 'Sharing Internet Connection' thread, Colm,  that you have now resolved your Primary WiFi issue?

Best Regards

« Last Edit: February 14, 2023, 09:12:02 am by exfirepro »


Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2023, 10:36:11 am »
Thanks Peter.

No, my primary wifi issue remains. It's still intermittent. I have to reboot the pi every so often. Maybe 3 or 4 times between start up and take off. But after a few reboots it tends to settle down. I might have to reboot once an hour after that. I can do it with one hand and my eyes closed now :D


Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2023, 11:02:52 pm »
Hi Colm,

OK, in that case it might be time to consider an upgrade to a new Rosetta (you can still take advantage of the 'Classic Trade-In' offer via the PilotAware Store on ).

If you don't want to spend that sort of money, or simply prefer the Classic Format, you could try dropping an email to Ash at and ask if he can still supply one of the older PilotAware Classic WiFi Dongles. The third option would be to purchase a Raspberry Pi3B, with it's inbuilt onboard WiFi, swap it into your Classic and ask support to transfer the remaining period of your licence from your existing Classic to the MAC address of the new Pi.




Re: Wifi Network Disappears
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2023, 10:35:21 am »


Re-reading this thread again right through from the start, it occurs to me that there were in the past several instances with the Classic where WiFi or GPS could be lost due to the SDR dongle failing and overheating excessively, causing spurious RF Interference to the other two dongles. That's what @ Ian Melville was alluding to in his earlier post. I stress that this wasn't a common issue, but occurred often enough to be worth being aware of. The 'simple test' for this is to run the unit for a fairly prolonged period with the SDR temporarily removed. You won't of course during this period be able to 'see' 1090 traffic, but if your position (GPS) and WiFi continue to work properly, you have found the true source of the problem.

Always worth a try.

If it doesn't work, it's time to consider the other upgrade options.

Best Regards
