Hi Hitch, et al,
Follow up to this thread -
On a recent flight back to East Fortune from Eshott, working Scottish Information (who are ‘non-Radar’), I picked up an intermittent visual (on screen) traffic notification, closing from my 5 o’clock at about 10 miles out. I then heard Scottish calling the other traffic to advise them of my presence, so called in to update my position and level. Scottish then confirmed that the other traffic had received this update, to which he replied he could see me on his traffic screen, but not visually (I was running Mode-S / ADSB Out from my transponder + PilotAware with a recent Beta into SkyDemon). Scottish then notified me of the other traffic’s position, to which I replied that it was still well outside my visual range, but appearing intermittently on my screen in my 5/4 o’clock at about 8 miles and that I would keep a good lookout.
We both continued Northwards with the other traffic slowly catching and overhauling me out to my right - coming to within a mile or so on my screen as he passed, but still not visual. The traffic then called Scottish to advise that he was changing his plan to drop in at East Fortune, at which point I realised that he was a friend normally based down south, who flies a QuickR and a very slimline single-seat SSDR ‘Pulsar’ low-wing 3-axis microlight taildragger, - which is what he was flying at the time. Capable of 120Kt cruise and painted green and black it was clearly not readily visible even at around a mile against the patchwork ground below.
On landing, a few minutes behind him, my thoughts were confirmed as it turned out to be the pilot who I had thought it was - and that he was flying his Pulsar. I asked him what EC he was running and he advised that he was ONLY running SafeSky on his phone with no other EC devices in the aircraft. This explained why our mutual reception was intermittent as it was completely dependent at his end on my PilotAware Signal being forwarded to SafeSky via the OGN network and then to his cellphone, and at my end on his position being passed to PilotAware’s Network, then via ATOM Rebroadcast or at the initial location more likely directly to my PilotAware via iGRID.
AS this was the first time I was aware that I had actually come across SafeSky, I immediately reported my findings back to Lee (Admin), who asked if I could confirm the positional reliability of the SafeSky reports. Unfortunately I was unable to do so for the reasons explained above, including the fact that the position reports from his aircraft were ‘intermittent’ at my end, but was able to confirm that the reports were at least good enough to prompt me as to the presence and likely position and relative height of the other aircraft, which allowed me to keep a good lookout for it as we continued en route.
Best Regards