Author Topic: WiFi Dongle stops tablet connecting. Now Sorted with latest Software installed  (Read 3458 times)


Re: WiFi Dongle stops tablet connecting with PAW
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2022, 07:37:37 am »
Hi Sean
I think its the software, can you please update and try again

Sean McDonald

Re: WiFi Dongle stops tablet connecting with PAW
« Reply #16 on: July 15, 2022, 07:49:02 am »
Hi Lee,
Will give it a try and report back.


Re: WiFi Dongle stops tablet connecting with PAW
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2022, 09:21:28 am »
I suspect that the wifi dongle you are using requires version = 20220626

Sean McDonald

Re: WiFi Dongle stops tablet connecting with PAW
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2022, 11:24:09 am »
New software has sorted it as far as I can see. Apologies from me as I only this morning found in the delivery envelope the little paper insert referring to 20220626 :-[ which obviously wasn't installed.

In my defence M'lud I continously referred back to this announcement,2194.0.html which refers to 20220531 as the latest software upgrade and included iGrid. Having only just recently upgraded to that I thought I was on top of the game.

Been running on my desk now for 20 mins so next test will be in the aircraft with all 4 USB ports in action.



Re: WiFi Dongle stops tablet connecting with PAW
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2022, 01:44:32 pm »
Hi Sean,

I have updated that message to say 20220626 - I may replace with a link to here to update automatically

This is what happens with bleeding edge technology
Glad we got it sorted


Sean McDonald

Thanks for the help (and patience!) Lee. Much appreciated!



Hi All,

Glad to hear you guys finally got this sorted yesterday while I was busy driving up North to see my Grandkids in all the holiday traffic. I’m now firmly re-established with WiFi  :) for a week on the Morvern Peninsula, overlooking The Sound Of Mull just south of Glenforsa, and playing catch-up.

Sean, for my part - sorry! I knew of course that not all WiFi dongles are equal, but from the other thread also knew that you had almost certainly got your dongle from us - along with your GPS Mouse. Although it had crossed my mind to ask you in an earlier post - drafted while tearing my hair out trying to work out what could be going wrong - what software version you were running, I had abandoned the post after being called away and returning to find several other posts already published. I had, however, forgotten that you could still be running older software as iGRID was ‘in’ some earlier versions - just not ‘visible’ until you add the second WiFi dongle. In my defence, I certainly wasn’t aware that there was any difference (or issue) with any of the dongles supplied by PilotAware. The ones I have (old stock from PAW Classic days) have all ‘just worked’ with all the units I have ‘updated’ to iGRID. I will add both of these points to my mental checklist for future fault-finding. Good to see that (as usual) Lee has identified the issue and come up with the fix. Every day is as they say, a school day - even in the holidays  :)

Best Regards


Sean McDonald

Thanks Peter. Had a long chat with Keith and Ashley at Darley Moor yesterday and flew yesterday evening with everything working perfectly. As I've said before here and elsewhere the support from the whole PAW team is second to none and much appreciated.
