Author Topic: My portable PilotAware just got a lot more portable!  (Read 3225 times)


My portable PilotAware just got a lot more portable!
« on: October 21, 2021, 10:37:53 pm »
This has made it loads better. Far fewer snags and hopefully I won't keep breaking the aerials with my headset bag now!


Re: My portable PilotAware just got a lot more portable!
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2021, 11:26:25 pm »
Hi again bladeslapper,

Adding 90degree SMA male to female adaptors between the Rosetta antennas and their connectors certainly appears to be a worthwhile mod to minimise potential antenna damage for a unit that is regularly taken in and out of the aircraft and transported in a bag with other equipment. There will, however, inevitably be some degree of signal degradation due to loss in adding an additional connector, though this should be minimal (usually estimated to be in the region of 1dB per additional connector in each line).

For any of you reading this thread and perhaps concerned that it leaves bladeslapper's GPS hidden under the battery, I recommend that you also read bladeslapper's previous Rosetta modification thread, here...,1975.msg21050.html#msg21050

Best Regards



Re: My portable PilotAware just got a lot more portable!
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2021, 05:33:25 pm »

Good job putting all the words to go with my inappropriately brief post ;-)


Re: My portable PilotAware just got a lot more portable!
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2022, 03:47:09 pm »
Nice one Andrew.

Very pragmatic


Ian Melville

Re: My portable PilotAware just got a lot more portable!
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2022, 07:45:46 pm »
Is it possible to buy that case on it's own? Mine is an upgraded classic, and only has four fittings for the suckers close to the 3/8" camera mount. Not ideal
