Hi Frank,
Thanks for the feedback.
That's one of the things we would have checked / seen from the requested screenshots. FEDE60 is obviously the 'default' Hex ID of your PAW, based on the last 6 digits of the unit's 'MAC' address - and allocated to the PAW automatically during pre-dispatch setup and testing. This, along with other 'default' settings is held in a default profile*, which is normally superseded when you create and save your own 'profile' during initial setup of your unit prior to your first flight. I have no way of checking your initial setup as there are as I say no reports on the database from 4075B1** and the earliest reports from FEDE60 start from 23 April 2021 and continue until 16 October 2021 from ground stations as far apart as Kilkeel, East Fortune and Edinburgh West, and the West and South West of England. The most likely explanation therefore in view of the lack of reports from 4075B1 is that the initial profile was set up and the post install check done, but that profile was either not saved or somehow inadvertently reverted back to the default at some time between the initial setup and 23 April 2021. Whilst historically we have had reports of units reverting to the default profile during updates or licence renewals, this was a bug which was sorted a long time ago, so this is unlikely to be relevant with the current software versions***. I am however aware of at least two recent cases where aircraft which I know personally have been operating on their correct ICAO Hex ID and have mysteriously reverted to the default, but I suspect that these were almost certainly finger-induced errors.
* Profiles are created to allow the unit to be 'swapped' between aircraft with minimal fuss and can be found from a button at the bottom of the PAW Configure Screen. They are created by re-configuring the unit to match each aircraft in which it is likely to be used, then 'Saving' each set of settings as an individual 'Profile'. The desired profile can then be be selected at will prior to flight in a different aircraft.
** With the exception of the single 'ping' from 4075B1 reported by PWShiren on 14th May, which is almost certainly a rogue transmission of some sort.
*** Unless of course you are still running old software - the latest released version is 20201101
Re your Funke Transponder - in view of the numerous recent reports on the database from your PAW transmissions, and the complete lack of reports for ADSB from either Hex ID, it is pretty certain that your transponder is NOT transmitting Mode-S/ES ADS-B, so this obviously needs further investigation. You can find several threads on this subject by searching 'Funke' from the Forum Home Page. Please feel free to come back to us for help if you need it.
Best Regards