Author Topic: External Antenna positions  (Read 1468 times)


External Antenna positions
« on: August 13, 2021, 10:42:08 pm »
I have not yet purchased the Rosetta unit, but trying to look at logistics before I do.
I have an RV-4. The transponder antenna is situated at the Starboard wing root cuff toward the back.
The internal aerials on the Rosetta appear to be about 50mm apart, so I presume that the proximity of the two PA external aerials could be the same distance apart?
What I would like to do is fit the PA aerials at about the same position as the transponder aerial but on the Port wing root cuff, probably about 75cm away from the transponder aerial.......anyone see any issues?


Re: External Antenna positions
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2021, 04:01:49 am »
Hi Neil,

Whilst (for practical considerations) the PAW and 1090 antennas are co-located on Rosetta, my only comment would be that although this is taken into account in the design of both hardware and software, try to keep antennas as far apart as practical in your chosen ‘fixed external’ (or internal) location(s) - especially where you are also running a transponder - to reduce any possibility for potential swamping of the Rosetta 1090 receiver by your own much stronger transponder signal.

You will find lots of good advice on fixed installations in general and in Vans aircraft in particular in this thread in the ‘Fixed Installations’ Section here…,1167.msg13811.html#msg13811

Please feel free to add your own comments to that thread in due course.

Best Regards
