Author Topic: PWEverton  (Read 4319 times)


« on: June 19, 2021, 09:38:43 am »
My site is down, this is probably due to a series of power cuts and reconnections over a period of  about 30 minutes. I guess that maybe the SD card has been corrupted? sometimes the power only came back on for a few seconds. I have tried re booting the router and the station but nothing. Cant get an ip address or anything
The station is mounted up on a roof, so I want to be prepared when I go up there. Can I prepare a new SD card with the latest software somehow? What else should I look for?

Thanks Brian


Re: PWEverton
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2021, 11:22:17 am »
Hi Brian,

A thunderstorm hasn't just passed through overnight I hope? I certainly can't see PWEverton via my database link either (though my access is restricted).

You can certainly download the latest OGN software from here: -

It should download automatically from that link. Just open the zip file then copy all the contents straight onto a new (or fully reformatted) microSD card. I can't really help with anything else until you open the box and take a look see.

Remember, if you are setting up from scratch you will need your station details (lat/long, height etc), though setup is now easier as you can just run the command config straight from the initial command prompt which appears after logging in to the Pi - remember if you do a new software install, your login will revert to the default pi and 12345678

Hope all goes well!

Best Regards



Re: PWEverton
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2021, 09:42:34 am »
Hi Peter,
Is it possible for my station to be receiving PAW signals etc but not uplink?
I have had reports that my station does not show up on Skydemon.
Its definitely receiving PAW and ADSB OK.
Can I check this somehow without flying?

Regards Brian



Re: PWEverton
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2021, 02:08:05 pm »
Hi Brian,

Sorry, I have been away for the last week visiting daughter and grandkids for first time in almost a year, so very limited time on the Forum and just saw your post (now Home).

According to the database, PWEverton just updated to the latest 20210718 ATOM software at 12:29 - and your GRID is showing lots of both local and relayed traffic so definitely connected to the PAW Servers - though no PAW reporting currently when I looked, so unable to check for uplinking of traffic data. You should be able to check this yourself by connecting to your ground station locally and monitoring the Status Screen.

Station not showing up on SkyDemon could of course be due to other reasons, such as the SD user not having ‘Display Ground Stations’ Enabled on their PilotAware. I’d be inclined to try a fly-by myself to be sure.

Keep in touch.

Best Regards


Re: PWEverton
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2021, 02:15:30 pm »
Having at last got round to replacing the PAW radio card I think the station is back up and transmitting as well as receiving.