Hi thanks for getting back with the reply.
I've been learning some more and seems the data transmitted should indeed include the heading.
I found and example of a transmitted NMEA string
$GPRMC,161229.487,A,3723.2475,N,12158.3416,W,0.13,309.62,120598, ,*10
RMC—Recommended Minimum Specific GPS Data
The 309.62 was the course so it certainly looks like the GPS data that the TXP is transmitting likely should include the heading.
So the question is why isn't the Funke sending out the heading information......
Seems strange that other folk's TXP manage to transmit the heading but the Funke won't. We do have examples of the PAW GPS output being used elsewhere successfully?
As I said I was flying and my friend got a screenshot of the info my TXP was transmitting and it was North all the while.
How are you reading the GPRMC messages?
Do you think it's worth me swinging mine across to the Garmin? Just to prove it's not the Pilot Aware?
Regards, Clive