Author Topic: Missing Vector Plot  (Read 1833 times)


Missing Vector Plot
« on: April 18, 2021, 10:04:40 am »
I'm trying different locations of the aerial in the aircraft in an attempt to optinmise the position and improve coverage but I can't find the plot for the flight I did on the 4th April.  I can see the previous flight on the 31st March.  I've got a track file for the flight on the 4th so I know the unit was working. Hex ID is 402bd6.

I've run the track file through the aircrew playback and I can see it was picking up ground stations during the flight

Any suggestions as to why its missing?



Re: Missing Vector Plot
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2021, 07:20:33 pm »
Hi Brooklands

Are you looking for the PAW data or CAP1391 ?
I also see the last time you were reported was 31/March
which systems were active on the 4/April ?
We did have a break in data recording from around 11AM of the 4th/April

« Last Edit: April 18, 2021, 07:23:02 pm by Admin »


Re: Missing Vector Plot
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2021, 09:33:58 pm »
Hi Brooklands

Are you looking for the PAW data or CAP1391 ?
I also see the last time you were reported was 31/March
which systems were active on the 4/April ?
We did have a break in data recording from around 11AM of the 4th/April

Was the break in recording for most of the day Lee?

i flew on 4th April at 18:40-19:30 BST and there was no ADSB or PAW capture on Vector.  Other days captured fine, so I assumed something wrong at 'base' as it was strange there were nothing and ADSB exchange captured me ok.

(my hex code is 405f7f)

Cheers, Geoffrey


Re: Missing Vector Plot
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2021, 10:33:37 pm »

Both were activeon the 4th.  Flight was 15:30 to 16:30. Looks like the break in capture was responsible for the flight not showingup.
