Author Topic: Replacing SDR's ( Re run config)?  (Read 3295 times)


Replacing SDR's ( Re run config)?
« on: January 03, 2021, 03:53:16 pm »
I believe that I may have issues with the adsb dongle on my site PWEverton.
If i swap it out what do I need to do. Simple steps please.
Thanks Brian


Re: Replacing SDR's ( Re run config)?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2021, 04:24:18 pm »
Hi Brian,

Simplest, easiest steps I can manage...

Power down the unit and swap over the dongles - putting the new one in the same USB port as you took the old one out of if you can.

Power the unit up again.

Connect to the unit via ognpaw.local - or via its allocated IP address using your 'normal' method - i.e. laptop, pad, or directly attached keyboard.

Login to the Pi by selecting the Login Tab from the Status (Home) Screen - Login will be pi, Password will be the default 12345678 or whatever you set previously.

When the prompt pi@ognpaw:~ $ appears, simply type config then hit Enter. This will stop the services, make the disk Read/Write and start the configuration.

The first thing that will appear is a report on your SDRs - which should show the OGN as before and your new SDR as 'unallocated'. It will then lead you through allocating the new SDR to 1090 receive.

Simply follow the instructions to reallocate your new SDR to 1090, which will be confirmed. The unit will then reboot to confirm the allocation after which you will probably need to log back in and restart the config as above . This time, the SDR report should correctly report both SDRs and then you should be able to simply answer 'no' [n then Enter] to each question as it appears as you won't be changing any of the other settings.

Once you have finished the question section, the unit will automatically redo the GSM scan and restart the device.

When the screen goes back to the pi@ognpaw:~ $ prompt, you can log out by typing exit and hitting Enter or simply return to the Status Page using your Back button.

Let us know how you get on.

Best Regards
