Author Topic: Saving VRS Options  (Read 4735 times)


Saving VRS Options
« on: August 19, 2020, 06:51:37 pm »
Okay, what am I doing wrong this time? I've gone into the VRS radar display and used the options to configure the display how I'd like but then when I leave the display it doesn't save the settings. When I come back later all is reset to the original settings. Obviously I would press 'Save' if I could see such a button but, alas, there is none.

Day 1 of PWSSHouse being set up, so there will be many more questions to come  ;D  I'm seeing plenty of ADSB contacts but the red Metars are probably a good indication why I haven't seen any PAW or Flarm machines yet.

Next thing to figure out is why my station appears in the Dropbox list but not on the OGNRange map. Search function, here I come  :)

Edited to add: using my MacBook Pro I had no problems going to ognpaw.local and I could see my station's information. I then tried to do the same thing on the crappy Windows 10 machine I have (I can't stand Windows stuff any more) and just get a message saying it can't connect. Is this a Windows thing or am I going to have to find out the IP address of my ATOM station in order to see the 'stuff' on my crappy machine?
« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 06:56:13 pm by PaulSS »


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 07:34:44 pm »
Hi Paul,

Are you aware that you can set up the options from your ATOM’s VRS differently on different devices - even if connected at the same time. This doesn’t affect the settings on any of the other simultaneously connected devices.

It was always the case in the past, that selected settings were retained - at least on tablets and phones, but some of us have noticed recently that settings on Windows machines in particular are returned to default by any update to the ATOM-GRID software, and I have a suspicion that this may also now be happening on some phones / tablets, though I can't guarantee that this is always the case. This has been raised by a couple of users but still waiting to hear if this is due solely to the ATOM-GRID updates or whether it is a function of the VRS software - which is outwith PilotAware’s control.

Perhaps Lee or Ash can shed some light.




Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2020, 12:52:06 am »
I then tried to do the same thing on the crappy Windows 10 machine I have (I can't stand Windows stuff any more) and just get a message saying it can't connect. Is this a Windows thing or am I going to have to find out the IP address of my ATOM station in order to see the 'stuff' on my crappy machine?

Some permissions have been controlled in Windows 10 for "security" reasons. This includes, if my memory serves me right, no reply to pings on the the LAN, for example. People wanted Windows to be more secure. It's now more secure. It may be a restriction in the Network config.

The easiest way of finding out your PAW IP address if there are only a few devices on your network is to open the Command Prompt and type arp -a

The list should make it obvious which of one or two addresses is the right one.


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2020, 12:29:10 pm »
Thank you for your replies chaps  :)

It would seem there is no means of being able to save the personal VRS settings e.g. range rings on, show two lines of aircraft data etc. If I adjust them and then close the webpage then, on return, the default settings are loaded. It's a bit of a pain but not insurmountable. I have found that if I just close the lid on my Windows laptop then, on re-opening, it seems to keep the settings. As I don't use this machine for anything else (apart from MGL screen designing) I will make this my 'permanent' ATOM VRS screen.

I managed to get the VRS/ATOM information to display by just typing in the ATOM's IP address, which I found by looking on the list of equipment talking to the router. With the MacBook I just type 'ognpaw.local' (in fact it's now bookmarked) and the home page loads as it should.

It looks like I'm seeing a few PAW aircraft in and around Sandown and it would seem, from the fact the home page shows some PAW 'downs' that some PAW equipment in aircraft have been talking to me. Hopefully I replied with lots of useful information, 'cos there are quite a lot of 'ups'.

I have to say I am disappointed in some of our fellow airmen/women. There have been quite a few aircraft coming close to the house from Sandown and Bembridge and just invisible as far as EC is concerned. You can see some of them have Mode S when they start getting 'hit' by Southampton's SSR and MLAT does its thing but others have nothing at all and some of the aircraft are pretty serious bits of kit, not hangliders with no battery  :(

Anyway, time to play a bit more and see what other functions I can find  ;D


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2020, 12:05:52 pm »

I have to say I am disappointed in some of our fellow airmen/women. There have been quite a few aircraft coming close to the house from Sandown and Bembridge and just invisible as far as EC is concerned. You can see some of them have Mode S when they start getting 'hit' by Southampton's SSR and MLAT does its thing but others have nothing at all and some of the aircraft are pretty serious bits of kit, not hangliders with no battery  :(

Given the aggressive manner in which the CAA are dealing with minor infringements, using data from transponders, and allegedly interviewing people in a way the Police would not get away with, there is now a feeling that it's time to think about removing a transponder from an aircraft, as it must be on if installed and serviceable. Without ATC help, it tells you nothing. Nothing except it's on, your 1013.2 altitude, and your squawk code. No situation information to help avoid a collision. Check the front panel display if in doubt.

This makes for interesting, or disturbing reading:

not hangliders with no battery  :(


Hang gliders do not have batteries, but both hang gliders and paragliders are using their own form of EC, called FANET+. I fly HG/PG with a Skytraxx Beacon, which is FANET+ as well as an IGC logger.

This is a combination of FLARM (TX only) and FANET (Flying Ad-hoc NETworks). FANET allows exchange of situation information between aircraft, so 3D location and climb/sink speeds are shared over this network, which can be augmented by ground stations.

The ground stations extend the network so obscured aircraft or those out of range are added into the mix, the ground stations also upload weather information.

In the UK the FANET network is run by Airwhere, and in Switzerland by Burnair. Burnair now has a complete network of ground stations, here:

Aber nür in Deutsch...

My FANET+ device gives me electronic conspicuity from those I'm at risk of collision with, without me receiving phone calls threatening me from a place that can't be mentioned.

It's possible to receive FLARM on the Naviter Oudie 5 or the Skytraxx 3.0 over the OGN, but there is some latency.

Does anyone here fly HG or PG? Just asking...


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #5 on: August 21, 2020, 12:07:40 pm »
Hi Paul

I'm also finding the Windows version of the VRS resets every time you come out of it and return.  It's a real pain in the proverbial and a disadvantage to being used in the clubhouse of any airfields.  It does however appear to still save your settings in all my Android devices.
As Peter has alluded to , I'm not sure if it is PAW, VRS or Windows related.



Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2020, 12:24:08 pm »

Hang gliders do not have batteries, but both hang gliders and paragliders are using their own form of EC, called FANET+.

It was just meant as a light-hearted example of aircraft that you would not expect to have EC, because they don't carry batteries etc. I haven't flown one for a fair time but used to be pretty active in my hanglider and used to dabble with the paraglider when the wind was < 15mph. I do know about Fanet but I was talking more about GA aircraft that DO have the ability to let us know where they are, but don't.


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2020, 01:24:25 pm »
I do know about Fanet but I was talking more about GA aircraft that DO have the ability to let us know where they are, but don't.

My mistake, sorry...

We should start another thread, maybe, but does the linked article explain why EC might take a step back or move to active collision information because the transponder user may get penalised for a very minor infringement which would not be picked up but for the transponder? Does it explain why some owners are not rushing to install transponders?

We are all onside, so this is not a PilotAware argument but it would therefore seem to be safer and cheaper to me in microlight to be running PAW with audio to my headset than a transponder at three times the cost?


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2020, 04:48:28 pm »
Hi Steve,

I had previously read Peter's article and have to admit to having mixed feelings about it. Whereas nothing can condone the way in which the CAA automatically assume you are guilty and can effectively ground you if you deign to take them to task, I do have my suspicions that not all infringers are as innocent as they claim. The technique by which the CAA judge us is certainly far too 'agricultural', especially given the tolerances allowable for altitude but I also think far too few pilots are willing to get on the radio and talk to the people they are getting close to. I have no snags in calling up the airspace operator and getting a traffic service. That way he has me identified and can, therefore reduce his separation on 'known' traffic AND he is very likely to let me know if he is getting nervous about my position/altitude.....which may stop me infringing in the first place. Like many, I also have the ubiquitous moving map but, it would seem, many of the actual infringers do not. I'm not being a girly swot when I say that I don't push the limits for getting close to airspace unless I'm talking to ATC and that involves using my transponder, until they enter the 21st Century and get start using ADSB. I don't see transponders in the way that Peter does but I am certainly no apologist for the CAA, who are going to (a)have to alter the way they prosecute and (b)should be overseen by a higher authority, instead of being able to do as they wish.

For what it's worth, I don't see the problem going away when ADSB is in use, especially if mandated. ATC will be then be able to see all, with no ability for the pilot to turn it off and if they choose to use GPS altitude to decide we've busted airspace then I reckon we're on a greater hiding to nothing because that seems to be a LOT less accurate and reliable than the Mode C return.

Yeah, maybe a subject for a separate thread  ;D


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2020, 05:44:18 pm »


Re: Saving VRS Options
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2020, 07:12:03 pm »
Sorry to take so long on coming back on this - we are very busy

We removed the ability to cache the settings in the browser a while back
This was due to some issues in certain browsers not initialising correctly

We have fixed this, and can now re-enable this feature
In the next release you will be able to keep your previous browser settings

We added a Reset button, so that you can easily reset to the defaults

Additionally we have put in a fix to change symbols for FLARM default ID's to map to glider symbols
And the default Pilotaware settings to map to an SEP GA symbol

We will refine this to more accurate descriptions over time.