I came across a very nice all-aluminium enclosure for the RPi. The board fits very well inside, and the aluminium helps to cool the USB ports that heat up from the DVB-T and WiFi adapters. It comes with two thermal pads that are originally meant to make a thermal connection between the CPU and RAM on the RPi and the cover of the enclosure. The chips don't get hot at all, so I placed the thermal pads on top of the USB ports to thermally connect them to the cover.
The result is a sturdy, fully RF-shielded box that gets only luke warm after several hours of running. Only drawback thusfar is that the ARF shield will not fit without some modification. It is made in Lithuania and can be ordered through eBay, link on the site :
lukse.lt/uzrasai/2014-10-raspberry-pi-b-case-is-now-availableHere's a picture of my enclosure with DVB-T, WiFi and USB GPS attached and running PAW: