Author Topic: FL*RM receiver functionality  (Read 4564 times)


FL*RM receiver functionality
« on: September 09, 2019, 08:48:34 am »
It seems that ST*ATUX implemented the FL*RM receiver functionality

htt ps:// ses

May be Rosetta will do the same in the future? It will be useful for the airspaces not covered by OGN-R stations.
Here in Italy, flying in the mountain areas where no OGN-R covering is possible but where you can often suddendly encounter some gliders, this functionality would be very useful


Re: FL*RM receiver functionality
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2019, 01:49:14 pm »
It seems that ST*ATUX implemented the FL*RM receiver functionality

htt ps:// ses

May be Rosetta will do the same in the future? It will be useful for the airspaces not covered by OGN-R stations.
Here in Italy, flying in the mountain areas where no OGN-R covering is possible but where you can often suddendly encounter some gliders, this functionality would be very useful

Hi Mariko,

That link is to an unofficial development of the Stratux software, incorporating a ‘hack’ to the FLARM protocol to decode and report FLARM signals without paying a licence fee. The developers have obviously decided to take the risk that FLARM won’t go after an individual who breaches their intellectual property rights in this way by using unauthorised software.

While I agree there would be positive benefits in being able to receive FLARM directly via PilotAware, such a system would need to be developed in cooperation with FLARM. Hacking FLARM’s protocol is definitely not a route I would expect PilotAware to contemplate.




Re: FL*RM receiver functionality
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2019, 12:47:10 pm »
I was wondering how st*atux can legally decripts FL*RM encoded trasmission, now I understood. ???
I support your your point of view.