I am sorry that you regard my 'blatant' attempt to understand the integrity of the position information supplied by 360Radar to the latest iteration of PAW as 'disgraceful' and 'trolling'. It is neither. I have worked tirelessly for the last 10 years in a variety of roles to improve safety in GA and have worked particularly closely with Tim Dawson at SkyDemon in his delivery of SkyDemon Traffic to enable robust and reliable proximity alerting. If, as you suggest, you are able to prove or quantify the quality of the data presented to SkyDemon and other applications processing PAW data than I will be the first to celebrate this additional alerting capability available to the GA fleet.
I believe my challenge as to the potential problems in generating proximity alerts from anything other than emphatic position information is reasonable and I resent any suggestion that I am in any way trolling when my concerns are based around a genuine HMI safety concern, which incidentally will form a percentage of my day job in a few weeks time.
I feel as a PAW and 360Radar customer that I don't deserve to be referred to in on the User Forum in derogatory terms and certainly not when my concerns have not been addressed via polite challenge elsewhere.
It would be far nicer if we could play nicely and constructively to achieve our mutual aim.
I agree entirely with your last comment above and take pride that in all my involvement in the numerous ADSB v PAW debates over on the Flyer Forum and elsewhere, I have
always tried to maintain a positive approach towards
both systems. I have also always encouraged the positive co-operation you now espouse, hence my frustration when, having spent a significant part of the previous two days trying to provide honest answers to genuine questions and concerns, whilst tiptoeing a fine line line so as not to inflame the obvious rancour between certain members of the ADSB and PAW fraternities, I was flabbergasted to read your post on Sunday afternoon, which appeared clearly designed to cast doubt on the quality and integrity of 360Radar’s MLAT data and thereby undermine the imminent PilotAware Mode-S/3D MLAT System software release - on the very day previously announced on that Forum as the proposed software release date.
I don’t normally use that sort of language on Public Forums, but then, neither do I use inflammatory terms such as ‘bastardisation’ to describe an honest and innovative attempt by well meaning people to adapt existing protocols in a concise and logical manner in a genuine attempt to deal with issues which weren’t even thought of at the time the protocols were developed.
If I am wrong in my estimation, I apologise, however if you were as you say so concerned, why wait until the advertised day of release to raise your concerns, and then raise them on the Flyer Forum in a manner likely to promote argument, rather than raise them on here or directly with the Team?
I don’t have Lee’s contact details
It’s not difficult - you can easily PM him from here