Author Topic: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?  (Read 4747 times)


GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« on: April 15, 2019, 01:27:40 pm »
Having got my Skyview HDX playing nicely with my permanent pilotaware install I'm wondering if there has been any work on the suggestion in a number of old posts that pilotaware would be able to use the GPS feed from the skyview in place of a separate dongle. It's working fine with the dongle but it would be nice to do away with it and would free up a usb slot for a bluetooth audio out connection (or at least powering one).  Either that or replace the pi with one with on board wifi and bluetooth when it's supported.


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2019, 04:05:26 pm »
Hi Russ,

What you are asking is very similar to that which I queried about NMEA from a GPS source (MGL) to PAW and it seems it is possible using a simple lead. I suppose the initial snag will be establishing on your Skyview an NMEA Out source.

This is the thread in which I got the information:,1483.msg16835.html#msg16835


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2019, 04:08:52 pm »
You could probably 'fake' this today
If you configure the port as FLARM-in, it will decode the NMEA messages thinking that a Flarm device is connected

If you have both USB/RS232 input messages AND a GPS dongle, the GPS dongle takes precedence
unplug it, and the messages are read from the RS232 source



Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2019, 04:50:51 pm »
Dammit - it's wired into the same serial port and cable as the PAW flarm out .. so I guess I can either use that for flarm out or flarm in but not flarm both .. so I'd need another cable (which is way more work than I want to do now) and wouldn't save a usb port! I'll add another 5V supply (not sure piggybacking off the dedicated Pi supply is a good idea) for a BT transmitter.


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2019, 12:47:56 am »
So added another wired connection and faking it it seems works just fine and the PAW sees the flarm input and decodes it as a GPS .. I had the option in the Skyview to output NMEA but couldn't see a corresponding input on the PAW? so the Skyview is outputting FLARM as suggested. So now I can have skydemon using the skyview GPS which is positioned in a much better place than I had the PAW one.. hoping that's going to cure some of the odd flashing warnings I've been getting on the tablet.  I set baud at 57600 but there was one higher I could have used - should I have done?

« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 12:50:40 am by russp »


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2019, 07:30:54 am »
Hi Russ
Please clarify
You say
Outputting flarm
But the screenshot says outputting nmea ?

By the way, highest baud would be preferable
« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 07:32:30 am by Admin »


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2019, 08:31:57 pm »
Sorry Lee .. the screenshot was just to show there is a NEMA output .. I did change that to FLARM .. flew across to Shobdon from Buckinghamshire today - worked like a dream going but Skydemon absolutely wouldn't recognise the GPS on the way back in spite of a couple of attempts to reconnect it and swap wifi's back and forth .. was the right wifi and PAW was showing 4 green lights .. Grrr...  (Not upped the baud yet, just wanted to get up in the air today.. too hot)


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2019, 09:09:37 pm »
Ok a few people are reporting this
It is the auto detect for the traffic protocol
Please go to the configure page and select Pilotaware rather than auto
That should fix it


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2019, 07:43:45 am »
Hi. Really interested in this. I have similar setup: SV touch with wireless dongle, classic PAW with serial lead to SV, running SD on iPad mini 4. When you run SD, I presume you (iPad) select Go Flying>Use Dynon Skyview rather than PilotAware as the position source, and therefore SV as the wireless source? Hence couple of questions:
1) Does this still show traffic on Skydemon?
2) With iPad connected to Skydemon as its wireless source, can you still 'send route' on iPad to Skyview?
3) can I use the same serial lead I currently use to send from PAW to SV to also send from SV to PAW via the presently unused circuit(s) or do I need to use another cable/port?
On the face of it, this seems like a great solution to the old problem of having to flipflop wireless sources on the iPad in order to be able to both send route to SV and to see traffic on SD. Or am I missing something...


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2019, 01:46:41 pm »
Ok -
1) If you select Go Flying>Use Dynon Skyview SD will use the Dynon GPS but it won't recieve the traffic (as far as I can tell the skyview wifi output doesn't include the flarm/traffic data)

To use the Dynon GPS feed in SkyDemon PLUS the traffic it's necessary to feed the Dynon GPS to the Pilotaware and then feed both the GPS and Traffic data from Pilotaware to your ipad which has to connect to the Pilotaware wifi. Currently you cant feed traffic data to the skyview and recieve GPS data from the skyview with the same usb lead into your pilotaware (although Lee did say it's on his to do list) so I added a second cable from the pilotaware into a second serial connection on the Dynon. 

Sadly it doesn't solve the issue of flip flopping the wifi connections to send the route to the Dynon. I'm pretty sure that's not going to change and there is no way round it, it's mildly annoying but it only takes a few seconds.


Re: GPS feed from Dynon Skyview ?
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2019, 03:16:27 pm »
I found the flip flopping a bit cumbersome and now use SD on my iphone to download the route from the cloud to Dynon SV.  This is also helpful as I don't start PAW until after the engine has started up and I can use the same route which is already in my ipad mini.  Alternatively if you've done the route on a PC just upload the route to the SV from a USB stick.