Author Topic: CAA Call for Evidence: Electronic Conspicuity Solutions  (Read 3418 times)


Europa XS


Re: CAA Call for Evidence: Electronic Conspicuity Solutions
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2019, 09:01:30 pm »

This is even more interesting if you've got half a day to read it.

I can't help wondering what they are trying to promote.  ;D



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Re: CAA Call for Evidence: Electronic Conspicuity Solutions
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2019, 09:56:03 am »
I did have a read through as much as I could tolerate and followed the offer to fill in Call for Evidence.
My premise followed what we can have now in the form of PAW and SE2.
That my Strip is under a CTA which no longer offers LARS and has no ADS-B Surveillance and not likely to have for a while.
In short I have to look after myself.
The illustration I gave as a light aircraft owner and operative was as follows.
SE2 gives me a SIL 1 ADS-B signature including Sqauwk of 7000 as default.
SE2 is set as Transmit only.
My PAW does the rest including FLARM via OGN and conspicuity to other PAW Users as well as ADS-B IN.
Add to that some awareness of Mode C and S and as an Individual I cant do much more.
Maintaining a Look out, listening to en route ATC or using their service whilst en route and use of SafetyCom at unlicensed type airfields adds a final layer.
To date PAW via Audio warnings mainly has done a great job with the full gamut of warnings for ADS-B, Transponder and FLARM awareness and the bonus of PAW awareness.
I hope the CAA is better organised than our BREXIT Government at this time and they accept any solution has to be affordable as well as useable for a significant take up.
Lets see what happens.
White Ox Mead Airstrip
Bath. England


Re: CAA Call for Evidence: Electronic Conspicuity Solutions
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2019, 07:29:42 am »
EVERYONE who use a PAw should FILL IN THIS SURVEY and explain what it does for you why you use it, what benefits you get out of it and make the point that it should be officially recognised as a PROVEN SAFETY DEVICE for AVOIDANCE AND AWARENESS of other flyers.

As PAw is used by such a LARGE PROPORTION of EC aware aircraft any policy which doesn't take it into account would be seriously flawed.

In all likelihood, at some point, ADS-B will be much more widely used in non-commercial flying. Up to and including that point (5 - 10 years?) PAw will be a very USEFUL DEVICE for cost effectively (LOW COST - HIGH TAKE UP) allowing positional awareness of other traffic, it's use should therefore be officially recognised and encouraged.

PAw makes ADS-B more effective sooner than it would otherwise be in GA/Glider/Microlight/Para. There is more PAw being used out there than anything else in GA, PAw makes FLARM more effective and makes better use of Mode C/S (soon to be even better for Mode S) than anything other major player.

-- sorry it looks a bit shouty, I just tried to emphasise some of the points you should make when you FILL OUT THE SURVEY --