Hi Lee,
The Manual for our Becker Mode S box, states antenna output powers as follows (presumably same spec for all makes);
Class 1 (useable above 15,000'); 125W (21dBw)
Class 2 ( GA useable to 1500'); 70W (18.5 dBw)
You indicate that with mode S targets you can interrogate position and height, and measure signal strength, so far so good. Presumably there will be an output power spec that applies to Mode C transponders, also, plus height info can presumably be decoded off the transmission. So perhaps you will be able to obtain some kind of distance comparison, factoring in inverse square law power reduction?
Mode C was always going to be difficult owing to the lack of position info. I would hope that owners with this type of transponder would carry PAW also, due to its low cost and be conspicuous to other GA via the P3i transmissions. As noted in a previous post, the Zaon units will detect Mode A and C transponders by cleverly timing the transponder transmissions and appling various algorithms to give range and relative height.
To answer Rob's post, I believe my Mode S is ES capable, but it is not yet enabled. I intend applying for the LAA minor mod asap, once Easy VFR is compatible with PAW,(and I am actually able to see traffic) to enable me to use ADSB-Out via the PAW USB/RS232 output. ADS-B IN will be courtesy of PAW!