The idea is to convert signal strength to range, to be honest I think this is fraught with inaccuracies, but I am willing to investigate.
Completely agree. It will be nearly impossible to determine range using signal strength with even the slightest nod to accuracy. Amongst the many problems is the fact that the transponder antenna is on the underside of the aircraft - the obvious place, since it is working a ground radar. Signals above or even along the plane of the aircraft will be severely attenuated compared with those below the plane, making range determination on signal strength alone nearly impossible. Without directional antennas it isn't possible to determine the bearing either. I don't think it's worth the effort.
The trick I am hoping to use is as follows.
Gather and store the ADS-B messages as references,
this will give me an indication of strength for relative distance/height.
this provides me a look up table averaging strength against the distance/height.
on reception of a non ADS-B message, index the table of known (ADS-B) messages for the best estimate.
So in effect the receiver becomes 'self calibrating' using the well defined ADS-B data, to estimate the non ADS-B data
Determining bearing is totally impossible, that is why I said 'bearingless traffic', although I may well be able to use
signal value increasing/decreasing.
I think this is worth a shot, please keep to youselves, I am still waiting for the patent grant on the self calibrating receiver idea