Author Topic: PAW connected to Skydemon but unable to open via 192....  (Read 3554 times)

Sean McDonald

PAW connected to Skydemon but unable to open via 192....
« on: August 21, 2018, 01:05:13 pm »
I'm abroad (France) at present and will be showing my PAW to a french based pilot tomorrow who is interested. I have it showing traffic on Skydemon but I now can't open PAW via the browser. I get an error 404 message. This started yesterday initially with just the traffic page but I now can't open anything. Operating on my Nexus 9 which I use for flying and has been very reliable.

Any ideas anyone?

Edited to say that firstly it has had a partial self resolve in that only the traffic page was showing as 404 not found and then it too has reappeared. All very odd.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2018, 01:27:04 pm by Sean McDonald »


Re: PAW connected to Skydemon but unable to open via 192....
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2018, 01:46:21 pm »
He Sean,

That's a new one on me - Whilst 'page not found' is commonplace on the internet, I've never come across that scenario on PilotAware. I wonder if your tablet is trying to find the 'webpage' on the internet, rather than on the closed PilotAware Hotspot. Try deleting the URL from your browser and re-enter it - making sure it isn't prefixed e.g. by http://

Let us know if this helps




Re: PAW connected to Skydemon but unable to open via 192....
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2018, 01:59:10 pm »
As Peter says, I have found iOS a bit inconsistent as to whether it will accept either


Sean McDonald

Re: PAW connected to Skydemon but unable to open via 192....
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2018, 09:16:09 pm »
New one on me too and it consistently denied me the traffic page only but home, configure etc were there. Seemed fine later so will see what happens. Will be looking at it again tomorrow morning and will see what happens.

In France and very little showing up at low level but all the commercial high level stuff is there. One or two low level shows on Flightradar24 but nothing showing on PAW and wasn't logged on when we had very low level military go through so don't know if they broadcast anything.

Here for a few more days if you want me to try anything that helps at your end Lee.


Re: PAW connected to Skydemon but unable to open via 192....
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2018, 10:01:46 pm »

I’d be surprised if the French Military are transmitting anything we would be likely to pick up, but at least they publish active times for the military low-flying zones over there!

I take it you do have Mode C/S (+Filter if you are running a transponder) enabled on your PAW Configuration and also ‘Bearingless Targets Reception’ enabled in SkyDemon/Settings/Navigation Options - (down near the bottom of the list), otherwise you won’t get alerts for Mode C or S equipped aircraft. You probably have, but worth checking.

Best Regards


Sean McDonald

Re: PAW connected to Skydemon but unable to open via 192....
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2018, 07:06:29 am »
Hi Peter,

Yes. Settings are as described but will double check and re-boot.

Many thanks,
