Author Topic: USB ports  (Read 3768 times)


USB ports
« on: August 11, 2018, 03:25:29 pm »
Afternoon all

Aside from the physical side of things and what fits next to what, is there any reason why certain devices need to be in certain USB ports (On a Pi3, but the Q still stands for a Pi2) , or can anything go in any port (pretty sure it's going to be a yes, but checking first to save headaches later...)

I'm talking about the standard devices here (GPS, ADSB dongle etc) so no setting will have been changed with regard to the ports settings

My Stratux Low power dongles have finally arrived and I'll be playing around later (Interestingly, both the standard ADSB dongle and my NooElec Nano 3 both show as a Pilotaware device whilst the Stratux ones are labelled as "Stratux LowPowerV2" on the main settings page)

I've a spare antenna tuned to the weather frequency that came with the Nano3 so I'll be using that instead of a splitter

Pilotaware user ...


Re: USB ports
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2018, 03:35:11 pm »
Afternoon all

Aside from the physical side of things and what fits next to what, is there any reason why certain devices need to be in certain USB ports (On a Pi3, but the Q still stands for a Pi2) , or can anything go in any port (pretty sure it's going to be a yes, but checking first to save headaches later...)

Anything can go in any slot. Physical constraints permitting. If you are connecting to an external bit of kit like a FLARM or Dynon then you will have to configure the slot accordingly. If not set the slot to auto on the config page

I've a spare antenna tuned to the weather frequency that came with the Nano3 so I'll be using that instead of a splitter

Yes that should work interesting to see how you get on with the weather. Remember, at the moment if using Sky Demon you cant see weather and bearing less targets simultaneously



Re: USB ports
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2018, 03:56:33 pm »

Thought that was the case... and I'm aware of the weather/bearing-less targets thing

Is there anyway of telling which ADSB dongle will do what so I know which antenna to connect to which dongle ..?

Assuming if I connect to SD with GLD90 it'll pick up weather (if in range and configured), using the pilotaware protocol will switch back to showing bearing-less targets with no other changes needed ..?

Pilotaware user ...


Re: USB Ports and Weather
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2018, 09:29:02 am »
Hi Sean,

Just back from holiday and 'catching up' with the Forum.

The first SDR dongle plugged into PAW will be programmed automatically to 1090MHz. When a second SDR dongle is then plugged in, this one will be automatically programmed to 978MHz. AFAIK the system will then treat them the same each time it boots up, but Lee would need to confirm this. (With a 'shared antenna' of course it doesn't matter which SDR gets tuned to which frequency *).

Do NOT 'set up' SD to receive weather - the weather settings in SD are intended for use when using the internet to provide weather data. WRT 978MHz - it is supposed to 'just work' when the GDL90 protocol is selected and appropriate data is received (though with only one flight 'Down South' since the Wx trials started, my personal experience here is 'limited'). Changing protocol back to PilotAware (UDP) will revert to 'normal' traffic.

BTW, I have said previously in another thread that I had concerns initially about the loss of 'Visual' on-screen 'Bearingless Target Alerts' when using GDL90, but in practice during a fairly long flight from Popham round the South Coast and back up the East side of London, I found that having to use the audio alerts alone definitely proved less 'distracting' and encouraged better external scanning to find the reported aircraft as opposed to looking 'on-screen' - provided you don't miss the relative altitude in the initial audio report.

Best Regards as always


* p.s. If using a single antenna, and Wx is a priority, the current thinking is to use an antenna tuned to 978MHz and preferably with a bit of 'gain' (e.g. 5dBi) as this will give the best chance of receiving reliable Wx data, whereas the much stronger 1090MHz signals are much less critical.


Re: USB Ports and Weather
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2018, 11:09:15 am »
BTW, I have said previously in another thread that I had concerns initially about the loss of 'Visual' on-screen 'Bearingless Target Alerts' when using GDL90

Ramsey from Uavionix has said on the Flyer forum that bearingless over GDL90 is being developed.