Author Topic: Transponder connection sign-off  (Read 4210 times)


Transponder connection sign-off
« on: August 07, 2018, 06:25:02 pm »
Hi there
Having connected my Trig TT21 to the PAW, I now need to find someone to check on their PAW if they can see my ADSB output on the traffic page, so I can photograph send the proof to the LAA for sign-off.
We are based at Oxenhope on the Western edge of the Leeds/ Bradford zone.
Are there any other users nearby willing to assist?
Best regards,
Richard Wademan


Re: Transponder connection sign-off
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2018, 08:24:57 pm »
Hi Richard
     I’m not too far away from you. Just at Stainland, Halifax.  I can do the test for you but I’m not sure  when I can get over to you. Can you send me your contact number via private message.

Europa XS


Re: Transponder connection sign-off
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2018, 08:51:16 am »
Hi Richard,
Thanks for your kind offer, see you next Tuesday!


Re: Transponder connection sign-off
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2018, 07:40:49 am »
     Nice to meet you on Tuesday, I’m glad all went well and the screen shots will provide what you need for your ADSB sign off.

A question for the forum. Richards hanger partner has a Beaker transponder in his aircraft and is connected ADSB via another GPS (not PAW) on the ground we could pick up his aircraft on the PAW traffic page but it failed to display gps correctly and not transmitting the GPS. On an earlier flight he said it was displayed as a ADSB contact on SD, he could also find the aircraft track on Flight Radar 24. 

Is the reason we could not see him on the ground dew to needing to be interagated by ATC? Or should we have seen him on the ground? He is also trying to get his ADSB signed off too.
Europa XS

Ian Melville

Re: Transponder connection sign-off
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2018, 12:07:23 pm »
Slight reluctant to get too involved in non-PAW, but...

A screenshot of Richrads PAW traffic page could give as more info, as could Richards Log file for the test (we would also need the reg of the other aircraft)

When you say he was displayed as ADSB on SD, whose SD?
Can you confirm the FR24 track was not MLAT?

ATC are not involved in the exchange of data, so, yes you should have seen him.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 12:08:56 pm by Ian Melville »


Re: Transponder connection sign-off
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2018, 03:26:30 pm »
   Sorry I don’t have a screen shot of Richards traffic page. May be he could post one himself.

You have provided the answers in that yes we should have been able to see him on SD. The info on the traffic page showed just ACS but with no GPS info   His Hex codes was there and displayed his aircraft type. 

Now I have shown them how to display the info they will do some more experiments to see where they have a problem.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2018, 07:07:00 pm by Richard »
Europa XS