Update: Flew today for real and 'No GPS' when trying to 'Go Flying' via SkyDemon, aaargh!
So I cancelled the Wifi Connection (I notice it had connected to Pilotaware and report 'problems connecting', but then connects ok)
Cancelled (forgot) the connection, reconnected to WiFi, went back to SD, success! All worked perfectly the whole flight.
It also connected and worked perfectly on the way back. I think it helps if power to the PAw is only connected when the aircraft electrics are established (after engine start)
Hi Neil
I think I can see what is happening here.
Can I ask what is the exact shutdown procedure and in what order ?
1. ipad into standby mode,
2. Pilotaware off,
or in reverse ?
PilotAware will only send UDP data to known connected clients, this is the PilotAware or GDL90 type interface
Upon reboot, PilotAware believes it has no connected clients, but I think the iPad is 'thinking' it still has a DHCP IP address allocated.
PilotAware will not recognise the iPAd is connected until
- it gets a DHCP request
This can be due to a timeout, or a 'forget network', or whatever means ios decides
- it sees IP traffic
For instance a connection to the webserver at
I think I can work around this issue, but reproducing your scenario leading upto it is difficult.
If you can describe in excruciating detail the order and method and shutdown, and then startup, I can possibly re-create and test my proposed solution
for the time being the following should work
1. use FLARM connection (this uses TCP not UDP)
2. use 'forget network'
3. Also I think simply accessing the web page will also force a refresh, if you get the chance to test this, I would be interested in your findings