Hi All
Some notes regarding the setup of various navigation tools
1. Common Setup
1.1 iPad/iPhone Software Access point
Ensure that the iPad/iPhone has connected to the Hotspot/SoftAP, this will be shown as
Whereby the number 001122334455 will be unique to your installation, this number is required
for licensing, but must be connected as the WiFi source
1.2 iPad/iPhone CollisionAware
Once connected to the WiFi Hotspot, start CollisionAware running by sliding the connector.
Enter the value of your transponder into the ICAO field, this is transmitted by PilotAware, and also,
if you are running ADS-B, stops you from seeing yourself.
2. SkyDemon Specific
2.1 Setup->Connectivity_Options
Select FLARM
set the Air Connect Key to 6000
2.1 Setup->Navigation_Options
Go to the bottom of the options and alter 'Show within Vertically' to something like +-40000ft,
otherwise for testing purposes, you will see no traffic
2.2 Fly
and select 'Use Flarm'
3. RunwayHD
3.1 Settings->System
Enable Flarm mode
IP Address
Port 2000
Passcode 6001
Altitude Filter(+/-ft) 40000
4. EasyVFR
4.1 Menu->NavTools->Settings->FlarmSettings
WiFly Port: 2000
WiFly Pin-code: 6001
5. Sky-Map
Setup> Wireless Interface Setup
Enable Wi-Fi
IP address:
Port: 2000
Password: 6001
Setup> FLARM / Show ADSB traffic
6. Air Navigation Pro
Sensor: On
Pin Code: 6001
Thats about it for now
I will update when I get more questions