Author Topic: PAw not working - Now working :D  (Read 6814 times)


Re: PAw not working - Now working :D
« Reply #15 on: May 23, 2018, 08:42:58 pm »
It's working, thankyou SO MUCH. I need to sort through this guys cables / batteries and find out what's good

Full disclosure - one of my SDs was 2Gb, not big enough; one of my cables has an elbow connector, couldn't use the HDMI with it

Now I only need a bridge and a case, I could build another one.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 08:45:20 pm by neilmurg »


Re: PAw not working - Now working :D
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2018, 08:56:48 pm »
erm.. the screen has stopped scrolling

Raspbian GNU Linux 8 ....

Login ...

Oh, no, as you were, it's going again


Re: PAw not working - Now working :D
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2018, 09:19:01 pm »
Thats correct if all is well - it should end at the login prompt
now go to the WiFi and make sure you can connect



Re: PAw not working - Now working :D
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2018, 12:55:29 am »
I'm not quite there.
I'm now uncertain of the quality of my power delivery. I've tried powering the Pi from the mains (that I use to recharge my phone). Things have improved, I can see that the SD card is read and reformatted, but it doesn't get past the login prompt, it does go past that point, but I get no wifi.
I'm trying again using the more successful Anker/cable combo, but I thought I'd ask if there are any more words of advice..
Thanks for your help so far, I'm getting there. (embarrassed about the low power/brownout, but, it's always easy looking back)


Re: PAw not working - Now working :D
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2018, 01:16:53 am »
Also, while I'm waiting for the PAw to reformat the SD card - again, I'd just like to say:-
I bet you don't even realise properly what you've done. From a standing start you've created an open EC system which can recognise ALL the available EC signals available. And made it from cheap commercially available stuff, apart from the bridge, it's the most cost effective system available. No one else is developing anything like this without trying to make it proprietary (eg FLARM). As far as I'm concerned what you've done is a major contribution to GA aviation safety. Without making pointless comparisons, I rank your contribution worthy of Queens Award recognition.


Re: PAw not working - Now working :D
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2018, 08:30:37 am »
Hi Neil,

Glad to hear you’re making progress. Yes it is amazing isn’t it. Three years ago we were all cobbling bits together and having to solder on extra bits. Now you can go online and buy a ready assembled unit all in one box and it’s much more powerful and comprehensive in what it can do - and with audio alerts. Or of course you can still build your own.

Lee got an award a while back from the Royal Aero Club in recognition of his contribution to air safety and Keith got an award from the LAA recognising his contribution in promoting and co-ordinating the rollout of the OGN-Rebroadcast Network, so well on the way!

For some time now, we have recognised the importance of a reliable power supply - especially with PilotAware’s higher power requirements, which is why we always supply a high quality ‘JuicEbitz’ power cable, with 20awg power wires. To be reliable, this MUST be matched to a power source which will supply at least 2amps (2.5 is even better) without the voltage dropping below 5volts. Failing to achieve this probably accounts for more PAW failures than anything else, though thankfully the word is getting out there.

Best Regards


« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 09:48:56 am by exfirepro »