Hi Lee,
Both were Pilot aware, one Android one iOS.
The first time it happened was pre take off and I believe that was from waking up the iPad from using it in the club house where I set up his ipad to connect to the PAW.
The other times were in flight and I was flying at the time so I didn't get to see the exact message but it was something along the lines of "the device has disconnected".
As a Technology Lead you would think I would have thought to take down the error message although I was flying the plane at the time on a lesson so that is my excuse

Best thing for me to do is try it again tomorrow now I am more familiar with the device as I have been fine tuning it with it sitting in my garden for the past few hours.
If it happens again I will take down all the parameters and error messages.
If i had to guess though I would imagine it may have been the higher wifi output which may have made the device a little less stable but that is pure speculation.
Ill respond tomorrow after my flight.
Great community by the way!
If you ever need a Guinea pig in Kent let me know.