Author Topic: PAW / Flarm / Glider tracker ADSB priority.  (Read 3227 times)


PAW / Flarm / Glider tracker ADSB priority.
« on: June 04, 2018, 12:48:34 pm »

I've been wondering how PAW prioritises and displays the various protocols?

For example, I have PAW and Flarm installed so that both are shown on screen.
But if the other aircraft is transmitting say ADSB + Flarm, or PAW + glider tracker or any other combination, what is shown on screen?

I ask because while flying yesterday avoiding swarms of gliders, I could see the following registration formats

43D76C (example).
(maybe others?)

What is displayed for each particular protocol and where an aircraft if transmitting more than one, what does PAW display and does this change when receiving OGN base station info?



Re: PAW / Flarm / Glider tracker ADSB priority.
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2018, 01:56:37 pm »
Hi Deker

In terms of prioritize, the only prioritization that goes on, is that only the closest 64 targets are sent to a navigation device.

I think what you may be asking is where do the names etc come from ?

For ADSB/Mode-S/PAW equipped aircraft - there icao code is looked up to resolve to a tail reg, and depending upon what you have selected to display in Pilotaware, will either display the tail reg or the flightID

for uplinked data from the OGN-R, EVERYTHING is simply tagged as 'G' intended for Glider, this was an early decision to help during the trial, and may change later.


Ian Melville

Re: PAW / Flarm / Glider tracker ADSB priority.
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2018, 08:20:29 pm »
I though Deker was asking what happens if a transmission is received from his FLARM unit to PAW from a glider, and a transmittion from OGN-R about the same glider, which take priority? or does it display both?


Re: PAW / Flarm / Glider tracker ADSB priority.
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2018, 10:18:04 pm »
Ian, sort of...

My set up can receive 4 position types, PAW, OGN ADSB and Flarm.

Hypothetically if another aircraft is transmitting PAW, Flarm and ADSB (or any 2 combination of those), as I can receive all those formats, does PAW make a decision on which one to send to the display.
OR does it send all three?
AND if that Flarm position is also simultaneously rebroadcast over OGN and I also receive that along with the direct transmission what happens.

Cheers Deker.