Author Topic: Odd connectivity problem ...  (Read 13132 times)


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2018, 06:01:10 am »
Hi Sean,

I was down at the airfield all day yesterday doing maintenance, but was monitoring the Forum. Interesting to read your updated report, though it still doesn't help track down the issue. One thought - when you had the setup running at home and had good connectivity, did the PAW USB devices show in the bottom part of the Home Screen?

Have you tried shutting SD down completely - i.e. exiting the program completely and restarting it, rather than it just 'sleeping' on the iPad(s)? WARNING: You need access to the internet and your SD login details to restart it. Worth a try.

Did you manage to get any shots of the Logging Screen when it wasn't working?


« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 06:07:11 am by exfirepro »


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2018, 08:39:33 am »
Morning Peter

Yep.. tried restarting SD .. I’m from a 25 year IT background so restarts of everything are done pretty much 1st time something’s not right.

I have log pics to upload (taken on separate device and in a hotel at the mo) , but yes, the devices DOD show on the PAW home screen when running on the bench, but not when running in the A/C yesterday. Will upload them later

Will monitor today as expecting to be airborne for 5+ hours and see what it’s doing .. it’s an odd one...

Pilotaware user ...


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2018, 09:15:01 am »
Morning ..

Error logs attached for Saturday

It was like this pretty much from the get go ...

Sunday's flying was a little different - PAW worked with SD for around 3.6 hours, then crapped out as above, but still with a fully functional radar display !

The only difference between the days was the location ... Windermere area on Saturday, Preston/Blackpool on Sunday then back to base..

Hope these help shed some light on things ..
Pilotaware user ...


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #18 on: May 01, 2018, 09:18:32 am »
Hi Sean

I think there is some strange hardware fault developed on your unit.
There should be 3 devices isted in the USB table, and there is only 1 listed

One other question how many WiFi devices do you have connected to PilotAware ?
It looks like it is reporting 3 ?

I think you need to return this to Dave Styles for investigation




Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2018, 09:26:12 am »
Thanks for the Link Lee ..

I'll get going with the return

At the time of the pics there was only one physical device connected to the PAW unit - the main ipad is in flight mode when running the Bad Elf, and wifi is off on my phone ..

All of the devices are plugged in - the odd part is that is 'sort of works' even though the devices are not shown!

Pilotaware user ...


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #20 on: May 01, 2018, 10:10:19 am »

I have just been reading back through your post history to refresh my memory as something was nagging at the back of my brain. Quick question - is this your ‘Classic’ or the unit you built up yourself? If it is the ‘home-built’, presumably you got round to purchasing and adding a Bridge?

The reason I ask is that when you first constructed the 2nd unit you talked about ‘cloning’ your original SD card, and also spoke about still receiving Mode C/S - which shouldn’t be possible without a Bridge fitted. This was obviously what was nagging my brain, wondering if ‘cloning’ your card rather than creating a full fresh install has somehow corrupted the software. If it’s the original ‘Classic’ of course, this shouldn’t apply - unless the cards have got mixed up of course.

Just a thought.




Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2018, 11:49:21 am »
Hi Peter

It's the original classic ...

The SD card is the correct one (ie, the one that was cloned FROM).

The test unit is still awaiting a bridge purchase to complete (a lack of available time at the moment has this on hold, but other than that it's pretty much good to go in the all-in-one enclosure)

Pilotaware user ...


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2018, 12:46:25 pm »
Thanks Sean,

Just wanted to check to make sure we have the full picture.




Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2018, 06:14:19 pm »
Well, some promising news ..

Ran the test unit today in the aircraft, using the bridge from the Classic, and apart from the odd wifi drop out (reconnected once, and rebooted the PAW once) its pretty much worked as advertised,

Looks like it may be hardware other than the bridge (or possibly software..)

I have Daves address to return the Classic for investigation, which I'll do this week now I've run the test on the bridge ..
Pilotaware user ...


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2018, 07:33:51 pm »
Hi Sean

Are you saying that you have swapped a bridge, and it works ?
So you have 2 bridges, one which appears ok, one which stops working in the heli ?



Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2018, 09:41:50 pm »
Other way round ..

I only have the one bridge, but I do have a second PAW that's been put together for case testing (minus the bridge)

My bridge, in the second PAW seems ok ..
Pilotaware user ...


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2018, 10:03:35 pm »
Dodgy Raspberry Pi??


Ian Melville

Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2018, 11:04:35 pm »
Gave him the runs  :o


Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2018, 09:29:38 am »
Hi Sean,

My ‘Dodgy Raspberry Pi’ comment yesterday evening did prompt another thought last night.

You have said you ‘Cloned’ the card for your second ‘Homebuilt’ PAW from the original. Have you tried a completely new download and install of the latest software onto a fully reformatted card as per the Full User Guide? If not it would be interesting to see if this makes any difference.




Re: Odd connectivity problem ...
« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2018, 10:40:58 pm »
I've not tried that … the Homebuilt is fine (that's the one I was using yesterday with my bridge)

It's the classic that has the issues (and the software was cloned FROM that one...)

I should've taken the homebuilt out today as I was in the Gransden Lodge area all day and they were busy flying …. would've helped to have another pair of eyes!! - sadly, the kit is now stripped down and ready to send to Dave …

Pilotaware user ...