Author Topic: Odd ADSB USB problem  (Read 6453 times)


Re: Odd ADSB USB problem
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2018, 03:50:21 pm »
Hi All,

Paul is correct, the SDR and GPS Dongles are both 'Hot Swappable' (at least with the standard ones supplied with the Classic). That is why we suggest removing either the GPS or the SDR dongle to update via USB stick if the 'Spare' USB Port has been configured for anything other than 'Auto'. Under normal circumstances, when carrying out USB updates, you shouldn’t need to reboot after replacing the dongles. The WiFi Dongle is NOT Hot Swappable and should only be removed or replaced with the PAW powered down.

I have just re-tested this functionality with a 'spare' Classic unit. - Removing the 1090MHz Antenna from the SDR Dongle with the PAW live and running SD results in the Dongle still showing as 'Connected' on the PAW Home Screen, but with a Red 'light' and 'new' ADSB traffic (in the brackets) shows as (+0). On replacing the antenna, traffic re-appears after a few seconds and the Red 'light' changes back to Green. This is entirely as expected.

Removing the SDRDongle causes the ASDB to show as Unavailable, with a Red 'light' and 'new' traffic showing as (+0) - again entirely as I would expect.

Replacing the Dongle with the PAW unit 'Hot', however, caused a temporary dropout of the GPS (to Amber) with 'Satellites =0'. This showed up on SD as a loss of GPS Data, but the PAW kept running and after a few seconds, both GPS and ADSB went back to their 'normal' Green state on the Home Screen. I restarted SD manually after acknowledging the ‘Loss of Data’ message.  I repeated this 3 times in a row, with exactly the same result on all 3 occasions, but despite having now repeated the test at least a further 20 times with the same unit in exactly the same position, I have been unable to get this 'fault' to recur.

I have since repeated the same 'SDR Disconnect and Re-connect' test with a different PAW Classic and can't get that one to exhibit the 'loss of GPS' fault either. I will investigate further.

Eric, yours may well be acting differently as you are using a 'non-standard' dongle, which will have slightly different circuitry.


« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 07:49:21 pm by exfirepro »