Author Topic: Does the OLD PAW still work?  (Read 4398 times)


Does the OLD PAW still work?
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:02:22 pm »
I have an original PAW ( that I have used on 001986611DCF & B827EBFC42FF ) but because of the upgrading you have been doing inhouse I put it into the Avionics cupboard & have just taken it out of the cupboard again...... it seems to be non functioning now?

Is my unit now extinct or should it still work? 

Ian Melville

Re: Does the OLD PAW still work?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2016, 06:33:08 pm »
You don't say if you have an ARF?

If you have the PAW should still work, though it will have no one to talk to.  :o

If not then it still should work. However in both cases I think your license will have expired.

Time for a software update and buy a Bridge.


Re: Does the OLD PAW still work?
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2016, 11:15:09 pm »
You don't say if you have an ARF?

If you have the PAW should still work, though it will have no one to talk to.  :o

If not then it still should work. However in both cases I think your license will have expired.

Time for a software update and buy a Bridge.

I have just had confirmed that my Unit was the original full build with the ARF plus the barometer upgrade.

I am hoping it is visible to others on FLY UK 2016.


Re: Does the OLD PAW still work?
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2016, 11:45:12 pm »
I don't think the new software supports the old ARF if you've upgraded, so even if others have it, they may not see you and you may not see them.

It may work if you can renew the licence on your old software, assuming they all have the old ARF and are likewise using the old software.


Re: Does the OLD PAW still work?
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2016, 12:15:27 am »
Hi FerryAir,

I've just updated your other thread. The ARF Beta Shield is not compatible with the official bridge.
Full explanation on your other thread. We know of some other PilotAware units being flown on FLYUK, so if you have a full unit, you may just see them '

