Author Topic: PAW and Gliders  (Read 3621 times)


PAW and Gliders
« on: April 08, 2019, 12:49:02 pm »
Can someone tell me how glider traffic is displayed on PAW when using Skydemon? Obviously I'm talking about FLARM/Power FLARM glider traffic picked up via an OGN-R ground station. Does it have a different symbol (like, um, a glider??) or is it identified in any other way?

Also, is there a way of knowing if you're in range of an OGN-R aerial on SD or do you have to go to the PAW Radar page to see it? I saw one aircraft symbol with the word G/STN which presumably stands for Ground Station but then again I might be wrong?!


Re: PAW and Gliders
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2019, 01:06:46 pm »
Can someone tell me how glider traffic is displayed on PAW when using Skydemon? Obviously I'm talking about FLARM/Power FLARM glider traffic picked up via an OGN-R ground station. Does it have a different symbol (like, um, a glider??) or is it identified in any other way?
It should use the glider symbol, and its reg should be 'G' (if via the OGN-R)

Also, is there a way of knowing if you're in range of an OGN-R aerial on SD or do you have to go to the PAW Radar page to see it? I saw one aircraft symbol with the word G/STN which presumably stands for Ground Station but then again I might be wrong?!
Not in SD, but as you say, top corner of RADAR indicates number of stations being received


Re: PAW and Gliders
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2019, 01:51:42 pm »
Hi Stodge,

Can someone tell me how glider traffic is displayed on PAW when using Skydemon? Obviously I'm talking about FLARM/Power FLARM glider traffic picked up via an OGN-R ground station. Does it have a different symbol (like, um, a glider??) or is it identified in any other way?
It should use the glider symbol, and its reg should be 'G' (if via the OGN-R)

Just to clarify, be aware that all OGN-R traffic displays the same symbol - including FLARM-equipped light aircraft and RAF Tucano trainers - which can be moving pretty fast - so don’t just expect to see gliders.

Also, is there a way of knowing if you're in range of an OGN-R aerial on SD or do you have to go to the PAW Radar page to see it? I saw one aircraft symbol with the word G/STN which presumably stands for Ground Station but then again I might be wrong?!
Not in SD, but as you say, top corner of RADAR indicates number of stations being received

You are correct, G/STN denotes an OGN-R Ground Station. The fact that one (or more) is/are visible indicates that you are within range and should receive any uplinked traffic which is also within range of the same station(s), but be aware that the Ground Stations might not show on SD if they are below your chosen SD vertical ‘display targets within’ filter. This doesn’t of course prevent you seeing the re-broadcast aircraft.




Re: PAW and Gliders
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2019, 03:17:58 pm »
OK thanks. I was confused on my last flight when Farnborough called out primary glider traffic but I could only see what looks like "normal" - i.e. powered - aircraft on SD. After checking the screenshots more closely I now see the weeniest little G next to the aircraft symbol. Would never spot that in the heat of the moment.

Generally speaking - and I know this is an SD issue not a PAW issue - I find the depiction of other traffic and the little up/down/level symbols next to them too small - and my eyes are supposedly OK according to my last test!

SD also seems to be a bit funny about bearingless traffic - you get the circle but no vertical distance information. For that you need to go to PAW Radar, I think, and/or PAW audio. Another reason for me not to use SD's own new audio, at least until/unless they include that bearingless info too.


Re: PAW and Gliders
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2019, 08:36:48 pm »

Are you aware that you can increase the size of the text on SD up to 150% ? Go to the SD main screen and click on the ‘Mapping’ symbol at the bottom right (it looks like layers of charts - which is effectively what it is). The Text Size variable is down near the bottom of the list. These days I always run mine on 150%.

You are right, SD are getting very iffy about Bearingless traffic since they got tied up with SkyEcho. Tim D seems to think displaying Bearingless traffic is a waste of time - which is a shame as it still accounts for about 80% of all GA traffic in the UK. I wasn’t aware that they had dropped the relative altitude from the Bearingless Target Circles as I have been running Mode-S/3D tests, which require the use of GDL90. I will check that out next time I’m flying. Unfortunately GDL90 does not support display of Bearingless targets at all (Mode-S/3D are Positional), so use of PAW Audio to back up the GDL90 Display is essential.

Best Regards
