Author Topic: Not completing Boot - 20180502 - Null Pointer dereference  (Read 16721 times)


Re: Not completing Boot - 20180502 - Null Pointer dereference
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2018, 10:54:56 am »
Hi Harry,

Coming back late to this conversation as I am on holiday, so laptop access time is limited. Yes, as Ian has advised, you just need the card with PilotAware on it, though a monitor (or TV) is always handy where there is any doubt as it lets you see what is going on.

Re USB Keyboards - readily available if you ever need one. I got mine along with a USB Mouse from Argos for about £14 or so and it does the job fine. (I needed it to do some programming when setting up my OGN-R station).

I still have my original Pi1Bs, which I originally used after moving to Pi2Bs (the precursor to the Classic) as 'surrogates' to allow me to update the card in the PiB1 by Ethernet and then transfer the card into the 'Classic' in the Plane, but I haven't bothered keeping the licences up to date as USB updating has overtaken that these days. I suppose I should re-license one of them for ongoing testing.

Keep up the good work.

Best Regards



Re: Not completing Boot - 20180502 - Null Pointer dereference
« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2018, 08:02:48 pm »
Et Voila, as you might say, or 'smoke on' seems more appropriate given the RAF flypast in London (which was pretty good) today.

It took me longer to dig the screen back out, unpack the HDMI and juggle power sources, than it did to replace the old Pi with the new Pi3B, power it up and watch the miracle of a trouble free boot process.  It seems that, as suggested, my original Pi had 'gone tech'. 

So, success.  The 3 is notably quicker than the Pi B+ - seems like a worthwhile upgrade even if the board hadn't died.

I'll just need to get my unused licence updated for the new MAC address and get hold of a Bridge (seems this could be the more challenging bit) and I'll have a fully functioning Classic again.  As it is, given the hardware mod suggested by Chris, I'll have an ADS-B out detector.

Lee, as an FYI, the 3 does boot up without the Harkwood attached as you were expecting.

As mentioned earlier there are a group of us planning to work on the connection to our Trig Transponders, as well as a slick installation location on a couple of gyrocopters.  There are some questions about equipment orientation and how we may  need to move an Antenna so they don't clash if the unit is mounted on, for example, it side - but those are for another thread. 

Thanks for everyone's input - hopefully there are some trouble shooting details in here that someone else may find useful.


Re: Not completing Boot - 20180502 - Null Pointer dereference
« Reply #47 on: July 11, 2018, 11:17:12 am »
Well done Harry,

I do like a happy ending  :)

No problem with the orientation of PilotAware, except that the antennas need to be as near vertical as possible and the GPS needs to be horizontal and the ‘right way up’ with a good view of the satellites (it can be put on a USB extender or replaced by a USB Mouse type GPS if necessary).

If mounting in gyros -  check the bodywork material. If it is Carbon Fibre, you will need to look at externally mounted antennas and GPS, which can be inside the front screen. Glass fibre is fine.

Best Regards
