Author Topic: Post processing, viewing and converting .trk files for track analysis  (Read 3983 times)


I was just wondering if I am missing some information on the forum and in the documentation. I have had a really good search around but cannot really find what I am looking for. I also thought that if it is not already done, it would be useful to have it all in one place. Here's what I have found out:

.trk files can be saved to a USB stick by plugging into PA and using the web interface to sync - however, windows does not always format USB drives correctly for this. Therefore format the stick using the SD card formatter used to format the SD card in the PA (as per the instructions)

In future releases, it will be possible to sync tracks using FTP just like we can with the update file.

The latest PA operating instructions say "A software tool is available on the PilotAware forum that can analyse this data if required. In essence it contains a complete record of your flight, including all traffic information received by PilotAware. This can be used to play back your flight using your chosen navigation package. It will not only show you where you went but who came close to you as well."
The former file is discussed and can be downloaded here:,535.0.html
The latter part of this statement refers to re-sending the flight to your nav software as if it's flying. A replay simulation type thing.
I think a little more documentation on these would be useful.

GPS Visualizer (web based) cannot view the files.

Route Converter works (I had to update my Java first):

I have tried to include as many search terms in this thread and title as possible to help others.

Can anyone add anything to all this?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2018, 11:29:33 am by bladeslapper »


Re: Post processing, viewing and converting .trk files for track analysis
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2018, 11:42:04 am »
I can add the following
There is an excellent visualizer which is currently in beta and will be made available shortly
please standby for further instructions ..



Re: Post processing, viewing and converting .trk files for track analysis
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2018, 04:26:44 pm »
I'm not the only person that felt like there was something missing here then ;-)

Ian Melville

Re: Post processing, viewing and converting .trk files for track analysis
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2018, 10:18:29 pm »
We have had a flight analyser for a while, but it was limited to telling how close other targets were to you.

I have been working on an analyser, but that is in a very rough state at the moment and I have little time to polish it up. I will wait and see what is on offer before I continue with it.