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Messages - neilmurg

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 17
General Discussion / Re: Funny report
« on: May 13, 2021, 04:42:32 pm »
I'd rather stick with the transonic balloon theory. It cheered me up.

General Discussion / Re: Pilotaware config changes
« on: May 13, 2021, 04:40:46 pm »
The license had expired and somewhere in the process of renewing it the hex I'd got changed back to the last 6 digits of the Mac address. Unfortunately this wasn't spotted and the configuration was saved.
2nd PAw has now unexpectedly demanded a license, despite expiry date being July.
Is Cyborg (Justice League) active in GA?

General Discussion / Re: Pilotaware config changes
« on: May 08, 2021, 12:02:15 pm »
OK, adding 'Check PAw is on, WiFi, configured ranges, aircraft reg.'
To aircraft checklist.

General Discussion / Pilotaware config changes
« on: May 07, 2021, 09:40:17 pm »
I have a PAw semi permanently installed (ie, fixed, powered, remote dipoles, wired to audio but no holes drilled).
I'm sometimes surprised by the config when I eventually check: Aircraft ICAO code, ranges for audio warnings.

Is it because my tablet has overwritten the config with what it has used last time, or is it because someone else pressed Save on the config page (or I did without thinking)

I think I know the answer, just checking

General Discussion / Re: EC Mandatory by 2024?
« on: April 30, 2021, 09:08:20 pm »
Yes, like, as in: similar, but not the same
PS my reply could be read back as harsh, it is only intended to be clarification xxx

General Discussion / Re: EC Mandatory by 2024?
« on: April 25, 2021, 06:12:08 pm »
Compared with 9.33, it will take WAAAAaay longer than that I would have thought. Start by mandating transmit for some airspace as per the US?

Technical Support / Re: Vector POLAR display of ModeS
« on: April 21, 2021, 10:29:42 pm »
Thanks Peter, sorry for the duplicate-ish post. I don't want to distract you...

Technical Support / Re: Vector POLAR display of ModeS
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:23:17 pm »
It's a perfectly reasonable question, I had and have read the Vector page. I enclosed a Vector ModeS polar diagram
Hopefully someone who knows how the development is going will add some context

Technical Support / Vector POLAR display of ModeS
« on: April 21, 2021, 03:57:24 pm »
I fly a Fuji with ModeS + Rosetta and Rockwell Commander 114b with Garmin ADSB in/out and occasionally Rosetta
I used to get a Vector POLAR on ModeS with the Fuji, it's now blank. Has it been disabled?
I also wanted to compare the 114b ADSB Vector POLAR with ModeS POLAR, but there's no ModeS reported.
Has ModeS reporting been removed?
The ModeS charts were always more sparse than technologies with GPS position, presumably because the aircraft's position had to be determined by MLAT which means 3(4?) stations receiving

There's a previously saved ModeS Vector POLAR  display below, but now I just get blank, for the Fuji, with ModeS and PAw fitted

General Discussion / Re: ATOM coverage
« on: April 18, 2021, 09:05:11 am »
Yes that's a shame. But Bearingless still gets displayed.
Maybe we could organise an OBE deathmatch between Tim and Keith. Keith wins:- SD bearingless annunciates relative approximate range and level. Tim wins:- SD bearingless annunciates "Zulus, 'fahsends of 'em! Or maybe not".

General Discussion / Re: Military helos
« on: April 17, 2021, 11:43:22 am »
Not seen that yet, but I watched (Radar360) a pair of aircraft, 1 mode S, 1 PAw travelling together across SE England.
Or if you watched FR24, just 1 aircraft...
The PAw guy was probably doing traffic call outs for his mate.
When it gets busy in the south east it's tempting to turn off Farnborough West so the PAw doesn't get stepped on. Although I like the guys at Farnborough West, they gave me a heads up for a non-transponder that whizzed past my nose, even tho' I was only in receipt of Basic

General Discussion / Re: ATOM coverage
« on: April 17, 2021, 11:36:23 am »
Yes that's right, and the SD logic might not tell you about something you want to know about.
But in a busy sky, less can be more, you get a handy runway annunciation as you enter, it says 'glider' when the target is a glider, which I found useful.
It's hard to compare the two annunciations side by side, but my main points are:
1) PAw very useful right now, and when flying solo
2) ATOM coverage pretty much the whole way from Blackbushe to Lands End
3) If you have SD, try the their voice for comparison.
4) with aircraft call outs with location, it's still hard to spot the little buggers
5) set annunciation criteria tight (close) so you're not trying to see gliders more than 2 miles away

General Discussion / ATOM coverage
« on: April 16, 2021, 11:39:07 pm »
I flew from Blackbushe EGLK to Lands End EGHC today
I used Bluetooth to access the SD warnings generated from PAw, it was a bit quiet, but worked well. I wasn't in my usual plane so the hard wired PAw audio to Audio panel wasn't available. Apart from that the SD warnings worked well and they (or PAw warnings) are needed right now, there's a lot of GA and gliders. I only [edit]say see[/edit] ~30% of what I received, but the increased SA was great.
I checked regularly and it seemed like I was always in receipt of ATOM coverage, therefore also local QNH and METARs.
That was a big help when I decided on a diversion and precautionary stop

That's great feedback, thanks guys.
Here's where I am, and what I've heard, as a ingenue
2 Antennae is(are) difficult, esp. if they transmit. There are cable run issues, matching frequency, and (probably, I assume?) the distance between the antenna.
But difficult isn't impossible.
I would appreciate if someone who knows what they're talking about, could crunch the numbers on cable length, for RG-48 (50 ohm), and also distance between antenna, for 869.525.
That would at least put me in a good position to test against VECTOR and gloriously fail, or, who knows? add something useful to what's known for the benefit of everyone...

I note that SE are again stealing good ideas and doing what they have previously said is unsafe.... plus ça change....

thanks both. What reading I've done tells me there's a lot too it, more than I can bridge with some book learnin'. There's a antenna guy at our field that I am consulting.
Current results, vs the external Mode S look great looking forward. I guess that's partly an artifice of the system needing to MLAT my mode S

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