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Messages - lmoon

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: January 25, 2016, 05:48:02 pm »
Hi Lee

Thanks for the reply. However if I select Traffic Dynon on USB 3, I then click 'change' and then reboot it still comes back set as auto....

I understand that you are designing a shield - daughter board - to go on the RPi. Do you know its size yet and/or will it cover the complete length of the 40 pin expansion header? (just trying to work out how much space I have for the speech module)



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: January 24, 2016, 10:04:00 pm »
Hi Lee

status page shows the following:

USB Bus 001 Device 005 ID etc etc.    Prolific Tech Inc PL2303 Serial Port

and I have set USB port 3   to Auto and 9600 baud.



General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: January 24, 2016, 09:20:32 pm »
Hi Lee

Regarding the audio messaging out. I plan to use the rs232 output (bridge connect at 4800 baud) to feed into a PIC cpu that will parse the sentences for The $PFLAU sentence. I will save it in a buffer and extract the bearing, level and range information from it. The PIC will then send a serial command to a micro PFLayer MP3 player - which has pre recorded messages on it - which will inject the message into the pilots headset.  I plan to work 'backwards' i.e. get the MP3 player to play the stored messages first - this is because the 'manual' is not clear and I think that there will be a bit of head banging going on!!.  I have done another project on parsing serial strings so should be OK there. Interfacing TTL RS232 signals should be OK.  I do have a bus pass and can remember when software came on an 8" floppy disk, CPM was the main operating system, 32K of ram was the norm and 4Mhz CPU's were the new kid on the block!!  If you think I am on the right track I am happy to share the details of the system on this forum as it progresses.



HI  I have made good progress and can get the MP3 module to 'talk'. I can supply dummy "NMEA" messages to it from the computer however I should like to start using the serial dongle on the RPi.

RS232 Out (NMEA Sentences at 4800 baud)

- RS232 Out (NMEA+ADSB+P3I Sentences at 57600 baud)

- WiFi Software AP (NMEA+ADSB+P3I)  --- this is working OK on my Sky Demon system (I live under the London TMA)

Your home page suggests the above should be available.  I do not seem to get any data from the USB/Serial port (the serial device does show up on the home page of Do I have to toggle something to get the data to stram out or am I missing something here?



General Discussion / Re: 3rd Party Integrations
« on: January 13, 2016, 09:10:24 pm »
Hi Lee

Thanks for the reply, I have posted comments in the 'enhancements' section as suggested.

Hi Dave  The panel on our 1050 is a bit crowded in that corner and I do like to keep an eye on the fuel gauges......

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: January 13, 2016, 08:52:06 pm »
Hi Lee

Regarding the audio messaging out. I plan to use the rs232 output (bridge connect at 4800 baud) to feed into a PIC cpu that will parse the sentences for The $PFLAU sentence. I will save it in a buffer and extract the bearing, level and range information from it. The PIC will then send a serial command to a micro PFLayer MP3 player - which has pre recorded messages on it - which will inject the message into the pilots headset.  I plan to work 'backwards' i.e. get the MP3 player to play the stored messages first - this is because the 'manual' is not clear and I think that there will be a bit of head banging going on!!.  I have done another project on parsing serial strings so should be OK there. Interfacing TTL RS232 signals should be OK.  I do have a bus pass and can remember when software came on an 8" floppy disk, CPM was the main operating system, 32K of ram was the norm and 4Mhz CPU's were the new kid on the block!!  If you think I am on the right track I am happy to share the details of the system on this forum as it progresses.



General Discussion / Re: 3rd Party Integrations
« on: January 12, 2016, 10:41:57 pm »
Hi I hope this is the correct place to post this but as it entails an "add on" I hope it is OK.  I am working on adding a speech output to the PilotAware system as I would prefer to be looking out rather than down at my SkyDemon display which has to rest on my lap. - no space to nail it on the instrument panel in a Jodel 1050!  I see in a reply to grvbc above that you show some of the NMEA sentences. My question is does the unit also output the PFLAU sentence, as I should like to use it as my primary data. 


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