I think it would be much more powerful; and statistically reliable if PAW did this analysis with bulk data. I’m hoping it’ll show how much Igrid and atom has done for the benefit of GA
AIUI, because of the huge amount of data, mode-S is not kept for any length of time.
Those of us running ATOM stations know how much it has done for the the community, without ATOM, we would have no FLARM on Classic or Rosetta.
I'm exactly 10km from a gliding club; my ground station and the one at the gliding site are out of line of sight of each other. VRS displays at either club show things the ground station at that club can't see.
You have only to look at a VRS running off any ground station to see the enormous value of them. A VRS in the clubhouse, like at Sandown, will show pilots, PAW owning on or not, that paragliders with FLARM are on the cliffs at Blackgang... that's situational awareness before take off.
A lot has been written, neutrals will be aware of what's going on but some sections of the GA community have closed ears and minds.
Horses to water...