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Topics - bnmont

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OGN-R PilotAware / PWEverton
« on: June 19, 2021, 09:38:43 am »
My site is down, this is probably due to a series of power cuts and reconnections over a period of  about 30 minutes. I guess that maybe the SD card has been corrupted? sometimes the power only came back on for a few seconds. I have tried re booting the router and the station but nothing. Cant get an ip address or anything
The station is mounted up on a roof, so I want to be prepared when I go up there. Can I prepare a new SD card with the latest software somehow? What else should I look for?

Thanks Brian

I have a Funke TRT800, latest 6.3 software and hardware having taken Funke up on their substantial discount offer  to upgrade from a 5.2 software transponder. At the moment I dont believe it is functioning correctly with the uncertified GPS data being sent to it. This despite assurances from Funke that all has been tested and certified.

Below is part of an email sent to Funke from which I'm awaiting a reply

Dear Michael,
Please can you ask you tech guys to explain the attached tracks as displayed on the ADSB exchange site. The first is  G-CIJO my plane equipped with the latest Funke TRT and 6.3 software. NMEA data in at 9600 bd.   Consistently my plane is shown as tracking North when obviously not going in that direction. Only just prior to landing does the plane show the correct orientation.      The Track replay of G CIJO  Funke equipped  Sunday 2nd May 2021

My Friend who was flying in loose formation with me whose Trig equipped is perfectly tracked on the adsb exchange site and also performs correctly when .trk files are replayed via the Aircrew website.

We have looked at the $GPRMC messages grom PilotAware to the transponder and all appears correct.

I'm awaiting a response from Funke, they were also sent the $GPRMC messages relating to the attached track.

Obviously I'm concerned how my plane is displayed via EC. How does my plane get depicted on Skydemon when its "reversing" down the track being flown?

Regards Brian

OGN-R PilotAware / Replacing SDR's ( Re run config)?
« on: January 03, 2021, 03:53:16 pm »
I believe that I may have issues with the adsb dongle on my site PWEverton.
If i swap it out what do I need to do. Simple steps please.
Thanks Brian

OGN-R PilotAware / SDR Dongles
« on: August 26, 2019, 08:41:32 am »
My site PWEverton doesnt seem to be getting any glider traffic. It used to have great reception. No gliders for last 60 days according to the Onglide Range site.
The SDR is hot to touch. Whats the latest thinking on SDR's, the current one is a Nooelec NESDR SMArt v4 SDR - Premium RTL-SDR w/ Aluminum Enclosure, 0.5PPM TCXO, SMA Input. RTL2832U & R820T2-Based Software Defined Radio ( well thats what it looks like and says nooelec on the side)
I am also getting the latest software installed and need another sdr for the MLAT.
Whats the best cost effective solution. Whats the most reliable to use?
thanks Brian.

OGN-R PilotAware / Device to switch on daylight hours only
« on: October 26, 2017, 01:28:20 pm »
A couple of times Ive had to reboot my OGN setup, its normally on permanently.
Does anyone know of an off the shelf solution to switch on during daylight hours only, this would hopefully overcome my site being down for a few days without me noticing as it would reboot each day.
I currently use a 13 amp socket with inbuilt USB transformer and didnt really want to go timer switch plus transformer. Any ideas?

Thanks Brian

Technical Support / Monopole whip v standard endfeed dipole
« on: October 16, 2017, 07:43:29 pm »
Trying to tidy up the installation in my flexwing I have tried a tuned low profile antenna positioned inside the pod just infront of my left leg/knee, this leads to loss of reception on the right. Caused by my body, radio, transponeder etc I assume. In an effort to correct this I mounted a tuned monopole whip antenna with ground plane at the front of the pod this appeared to give better performance.
However on returning to the airfield I knocked the antenna and it split ( Chinese I think). So the question is can I use the supplied original endfeed dipole antenna with a ground plane? does it matter?
  Second question, why do I sometimes see my ground station and UP/OGN on Skydemon and sometimes no groundstation but UP/OGN gliders still displaying?
Regards Brian

This is an open invitation to anyone who would like to come along on the 17th Feb 7.30pm to meet Keith Vinning and Lee Moore. The venue is Sandy Airfield, LongAcre Farm, Bedford Rd, Sandy SG19 1ND.
Please register your intention to attend at   email:

£5 includes Chili supper and the chance to win a PAW unit. Who can argue with that!!

 Hope to see a few extra faces.

Regards Brian

General Discussion / PAW at Top Farm Cambridgeshire.
« on: July 19, 2016, 05:24:59 pm »
On my way to Cambridge last night had a PAW contact on the ground with hash tags, shortly after these disappeared but hex code remained. Later returning to Sandy aircraft was flying,still no hash tags. Any reason? my group ID was PAWGRP but Flight ID FLYUK on the return I was running ADSB via the feed from PAW.


Short story. Took part in the adsb trial with nats and the return from my transponder was ok when fed nmea data from a handheld garmin etrek walking gps.
I have been having trouble since connecting my PAW to feed the transponder.
Today I decided to see if I could work out what was happening. The transponder when put into test mode displays a P indicating it is getting positional data from the PAW device.
However I fail to get the plane displayed on Skydemon.

As you can see from the screen shots my plane 406CB1 G-CIJO is shown in the logging screen however it does not display on skydemon. Is this correct behaviour? when the plane is on the ground not moving no display?
SILS SIL and SDA all zero which is required.

General Discussion / USB port numbers
« on: November 02, 2015, 06:02:59 pm »
Can anyone advise the correct port numbers?
I think they go top LH - 1, top RH - 3, bottom LH - 2, bottom RH - 4. Looking at the ports. Is this correct.

Thanks Brian

General Discussion / NMEA out to transponder.
« on: October 30, 2015, 05:35:16 pm »
I am using the ublox external gps on my PAW unit.
Can I get nmea out to feed my transponder? (adsb Trial)
If so how?

Thanks Brian

General Discussion / PAW units not "seeing" each other
« on: October 24, 2015, 10:33:55 am »
I have built 2 units and have carried out a small amount of testing indoors.
ADSB planes show clearly.
 I have also been able to see the  aircraft symbols displayed on each unit (P3i) planes.
 I am running SD on Ipad mini and Iphone all connect ok.
When testing indoors the units were about 15' apart at times a red plane (P3i) was displayed on both devices.
Now I am unable to see any P3i display.
Using the web interface I have set up master/slave logging on the ARF, I now have the units 50' apart in line of sight and have aSSRSSIS-061 aMMRSSIM-057 in the ARF logging.
 Why are the 2 units not "talking" ( no P3i planes on the display)
I am running latest software and have tried rebooting ipad/phone also reinstalled software on PAW, whats gone wrong? any ideas?

Thanks Brian

General Discussion / Have I bought a pup?
« on: October 08, 2015, 08:09:44 pm »
I ordered this Ralink - Ralink 5370 mini USB Wi-Fi adapter 150Mbps, from amazon.
Having found out that some are described as such wrongly i wanted to know what chipset was actually used.
If i install on my windows PC and do ipconfig/all  RTL8188CU wireless usb adapter shows.
Is this the actual chipset and no good?

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