Hi Lee, sorry it took a while to get back to you. Aircraft owner and I were never in the same space-time continuum :-)
Having got the logs and have a quick look at them, there are lots of errors on many flights. Some are minor, almost unnoticed, others just daft. If I watch the Track Replay flags, the jumps happen when there is a change in the feeds. i.e. the FLARM flag appears, or the Uplink. I am sure this is an issue with alternate position reports. It looks as if there are gaps in the quality direct reports filled by less accurate ones, or the less accurate ones are taking precidence.
This aircraft has a PowerFlarm feed into the PAW(which may show SDSB as PF?), but I am also seeing the same on my own PAW a while back(not flown with much traffic for a while now, but can set atest this weekend)
It really saps the credability of PAW as a useful tool when you see tracks like the attached file. Hope this is an installation issue.
As for the ICAO codes of offenders, there is plenty of choice but start with
2022-08-13_10-53.trk 400E73
2022-08-19_10-00.trk 401B73
Link to files