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Messages - SteveN

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General Discussion / Re: New CAA low power portable ADS-B device spec
« on: March 25, 2016, 01:04:01 pm »
Talk of "thwarting" PAW is just plain silly. If PilotAware so chose they could set about adding 1090MHz ADS-B Out capability into PAW by taking advantage of the simpler regulations the CAA are proposing. Personally, I think it would be great if PilotAware were to do this and I would encourage them to do so. As a PAW user you would be safer if PAW output 1090MHz ADS-B Out as it would be helping to make you seeable by more aircraft that you are sharing airspace with.

Great idea Steve but  we still seem to have the restriction that 2 devices cannot emit 1090Mhz from the same aircraft meaning PAW's ADS-B out would have to be switched off in a transponder equipped aircraft.  Same issue with LPAT. No one want's pilots to turn off their transponders.

I had hoped the trials would have been testing this in the air to see if it actually mattered.

Allowing two devices  (same hex code) would accelerate adoption not least amongst Garmin transponder owners.  My guess is greater that 50% of the aircraft flying have Garmin transponders that will cost £1200 to upgrade or in the case of the GTX328 never be upgradable. That could be a huge jump in take up.

General Discussion / Re: Mode A and Mode C
« on: February 15, 2016, 08:23:06 am »
If there is Beta SW it is invisible to this forum.

General Discussion / Re: Pi2
« on: January 27, 2016, 06:07:29 pm »
, we have commissioned / worked on a bespoke radio for PilotAware, as we couldn't find one to fit the bill....

 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

General Discussion / PAW traffic on Dynon Skyview
« on: January 03, 2016, 12:23:25 am »
The latest release offers traffic on Dynon Skyview so I tried it today inside the hangar.

I connected a spare "serial input" from Skyview to PAW with  USB <--> RS-232 adapter cable (PL2303 chipset).
Although not needed for traffic I also connected the same serial port's output as Lee said he will eventually accept GPS position from SKyview so no need for a GPS dongle.

The Dsub serial plug on the USB/Serial adapter is wired according the RS232 DB9 standard.

That is:

Pin 3 is TX (output from the PAW) so you wire that to a RX wire from one of your spare SV serial connections
Pin 5 is Ground and you wire that to black ground wire from SV
Pin  2 is RX if you also wish to wire that but not needed for traffic.
If you look at the plug with a magnifying glass the pin numbers are marked.

I found it best to solder the SV wires to a new female DSUB and just plug it in.  Looks tidier.

I configured PAW's USB Port 4 to "TRAFFIC DYNON" and set it to 9600 bps.
I configured  Skyview to "FLARM TRAFFIC" also at 9600bps. 

It was a awful day raining and under a roof but I still got the odd upper airways airliner showing "+99".

Another image

So it works :)

General Discussion / Re: Mode C/S
« on: December 26, 2015, 12:18:49 pm »
One reason for this is that the transmitter of transponder 1 would blow up the receiver of transponder 2 and vice-versa, since they are operating on exactly the same frequency

Mmmm. Transponders transmit on 1090Mhz but receive on 1030Mhz so can't see any blow up caused by that.

Anyway our £5 dongles that do listen on 1090 seem to cope just fine :)

I think NAT's issue re LPAT  is garbling though that happens to some degree anyway. I wish they would at least try both transponder and LPAT ADS-B out together in their ongoing trail and see if it 'just works' in real life. .  It would save a lot of us shelling out to upgrade our MODE S to add ADS-B.

I'd like to understand how NATS can tell if it is one of two devices transmitting anyway.

General Discussion / Re: Mode C/S
« on: December 24, 2015, 09:20:02 am »
Also an affordable, low power ads-b out transmitter (I.e. not a full mode S transponder) would be nice!  ;)

I'm afraid dedicated ADS-B out is only any use if you don't have any sort of transponder.

CAA/NATS will not permit more than one 1090Mhz transmission device in an aircraft.

That us the main driver behind Le'e's P3I initiative of course. :)

General Discussion / Re: Moving Forward
« on: December 20, 2015, 11:40:01 am »
To return to OPs point about maintaining momentum.

When any team forms it is a common mistake to assume that stuff known by people inside the team is also known outside it.

Two months ago PAW was "the buzz" around my club. Currently no one is talking about it and I can't keep it going because I have nothing new to report other than "they are delayed by CE approval until February".

My I suggest someone in the team adds a progress report to "Latest news" every week to give us something to tell people about?  For example info and links to the new transceiver and it's specification would be an obvious start.

Clearly Lee is still improving the SW at breakneck speed e.g. Dynon traffic just appeared.

Lets hear about what is going on chaps. Give us the stuff we need to keep enthusiasm bubbling :)


General Discussion / Re: Moving Forward
« on: December 11, 2015, 05:54:36 pm »
Quick answer: No

Longer Answer: 

Flarm works 868.3Mhz here, PAW works 869.4 (at least it did with the old ARF). Even if PAW was on the same frequency FLARM would see it at signal interference.  PAW cannot see Flarm as their signal is encrypted and they claim unauthorised de-encryption is illegal.

General Discussion / Re: Moving Forward
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:31:16 am »
Mmm? Mode C..

With a critical mass of PAW flying an airbourne MLAT capability might offer MODE C target location or at least an approximation. PAW units could share signal strengths of their targets. A bit like using 3 or more bearings to plot a cocked hat when sailing.   3 or more PAW should be able to estimate the position of a Mode C target. A challenge is our DBV-T dongle crystals vary in tuning accuracy and the OGN guys have addressed that by adding an frequency offset in their config file for each unit. They supply a program called "gsm_scan" which allows you to identify the error of your dongle using known local GSM stations.  My dongle has an error of +17ppm which is pretty good and appears repeatable. OGN say they can be 50-100 ppm out.

Just trying to get things buzzing again  :)


General Discussion / Re: Garmin 496 and traffic data
« on: December 10, 2015, 11:21:57 am »
My post was not about  "Garmin TIS" Paul but "ADS-B traffic".

General Discussion / Re: Garmin 496 and traffic data
« on: December 09, 2015, 09:08:12 am »
I read on  Garmin's website their newer portables  (695/795/Aera 500) have received software updates to accept  Garmin's "ADSB-traffic". Alas they don't seem to have updated the 496 to support this.

Not 100% sure if it is the same thing but Garmin show the syntax for a "traffic report" message for MFDs in section 3.5.1 of this public document.

Garmin GDL 90 Data Interface Specification

Unlike the original Garmin TIS this does not seem to be restricted to reporting only 8 targets.

General Discussion / 20151205
« on: December 06, 2015, 12:08:35 pm »
This version will now work with both my Pi B+ and P2 :)

Excellent work.

General Discussion / Forum "noise"
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:58:48 pm »
This forum intended for development is being degraded by people repeatedly asking the same questions over and over they could answer for themselves with a quick search of it.

I fear as a result the real development discussion is now taking place elsewhere.

That is shame.

General Discussion / Re: Enhancement Requests
« on: November 15, 2015, 09:36:57 pm »
I'm helping install a Avidyne TAS600 in a RV-7 at the moment. That device can be configured without any display as it issues audio traffic warnings e.g.


So If audio only is good enough for a  $10,000 certified system ......

Pi has audio capability and the same output socket as Garmin Aera/496 portables many of which are now connected to aircraft audio via an adaptor.

Just a thought for the future if Lee ever decides to calculates trajectories :)

General Discussion / Re: EasyVFR
« on: November 15, 2015, 10:12:14 am »
This works for me both with and without PAW (Flarm) GPS. 

Pilotaware 21511107
EasyVFR v3.81 (32)
Nexus 7 (2013)
Android v6.0 Marshmallow (MRA58U)

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