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Messages - seabeggar69

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Anybody contemplating using PilotAware in Australia
« on: September 26, 2015, 04:50:32 am »
The ARF used from WirelessThings is programmable as to what frequency is used; 315, 433.5, 868, 868.3,,903, 915 Mhz are available in the tool  makes the ARF usable in different parts of the world.

For instance, here in Canada (and the US) 868 is not available to use as unlicensed and we have to use the band between 902-928 MHz (or 433 mhz).

I do believe that Lee mentioned that as part of the web interface he would like to add the country used in and therefore set the Tx/Rx frequency on unit start up. This is also probably the easiest way to do it. You can also configure your radio using software available from the manufacture and it is stored and remembered and on start up this would be used by the ARF UNLESS software defines the parameters (as it does now).

All that to say, yes, it is useable :)


General Discussion / RaLink 5370
« on: September 18, 2015, 09:46:28 pm »
I am about to give up! Used several different WIFI USB adapters and a couple with supposed 5370 chipset...I sill see no wifi when I scan from my device.

Anyone have a bone they can throw me?

Using the latest build found on this site...

General Discussion / Re: Testing ARF with a TV tuner
« on: September 18, 2015, 04:56:22 pm »
All above should work :)

Just build 2 units and go to either ends of the field..that will work to  ;)

General Discussion / Re: USB-GPS Working in PilotAware
« on: September 16, 2015, 12:31:15 am »
Connecting RY835AI GPS to Raspberry Pi via GPIO

Maybe this will help as this GPS/AHRS is hard wired

Still would like to RX 978 MHZ using your product :)

then this thread

"After my USB connector broke on the RY835AI, I successfully got the RY835AI GPS to send NMEA to the Raspberry Pi by using the Raspberry Pi's serial port. Here's how you can set it up:

SSH into raspberry pi and type "sudo raspi-config".

Go to "Advanced Options", Serial, Select "NO".

Reboot Raspberry Pi.

Connect RXD pin on RY835AI to pin 8 on Raspberry Pi (, Connect TXD pin on RY835AI to pin 10 on Raspberry Pi.

Stratux still doesn't work with this change. First you need to tell it use a different serial port for the GPS data. So in ry835ai.go you have to go the the initGPSSerial method and change the serial port to /dev/ttyAMA0.
The code needs to be changed though, for some reason (at least on my raspberry pi i'm only getting about 8 bytes of data from the serial Read command). Will keep trying and see if i can get this working."


The reading data from the raw serial port seems to work differently than the USB serial - some difference in buffering I assume. You can replace the gpsSerialReader function in ry835ai.go with the version in the same function here:
That uses the scanner stream reader and seems to work well reading from the raw port.

General Discussion / Re: Addition of another Radio Dongle
« on: September 10, 2015, 10:15:03 pm »
Edited as I had put the wrong freqs.....

General Discussion / Addition of another Radio Dongle
« on: September 10, 2015, 02:07:35 pm »
Here in North America, there is a project using the RPi for receive only of ADSB on 1090/and 978 MHz and details can be found at :

This can be used with the majority of IOs and Android Navigation applications and there is some work underway to have RS232 out to interface to EFS (yay!)

This allows the reception of  weather and some traffic. The portion that is missing is the transmitter on 978 MHz which you have splendidly implemented already using 868 for FLARM :)

I am a tinkerer and have ordered the transceiver and regulator. I am not a coder beyond the basics :(

How can we merge these two ideas together? Or, how can we add code  to your project to receive 978 MHz with another dongle attached keeping the remainder of your concept intact with tx on 978? And perhaps also add an RY835A1 GPS/AHRS module :)




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