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Messages - PaulSS

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Technical Support / Re: FX and ADSB Out
« on: January 18, 2025, 01:51:59 pm »
Hi Sean,

See below for the wires I used......that work.

Technical Support / Re: Netgear 4 G mobile router
« on: January 15, 2025, 06:22:46 pm »
I have no idea if it is related or relevant but I have problems connecting to my 4G dongle if the PilotAware is turned on before the dongle. If I get the dongle up and running first then my FX seems to connect to it (as a Hotspot) and then iGrid etc seems to work okay. I have generally mixed and usually negative results if I get the FX up and running before or at the same time as the dongle.

No idea why I am afraid.

Technical Support / Re: FX and ADSB Out
« on: January 02, 2025, 05:12:24 pm »
Yes, Sean, you can do that. Simply cut off the USB plug that is currently plugged into your Rosetta and then splice the Pin 5 wire from the FX onto the orange wire that is currently connected to your TT21 Dsub and do the same with one of the FX grounds.

This is exactly what I did when I pushed traffic from my FX to the Dynon HDX. It previously had the FTDI USB to serial converted plugged into the Rosetta and then into the HDX Dsub. Instead of taking the Dsub apart and employ my awful soldering skills, I just spliced FX RS232 Tx to the orange wire that was on the FTDI USB.

Your TT21 is probably already set up for GPS in via the NMEA 0183, so just make sure the two baud rates are the same and you'll have ADSB Out from your TT21.

Technical Support / Re: FX and ADSB Out
« on: December 30, 2024, 09:34:38 am »
I think Steve is correct. I have successfully used the serial output of the FX to provide traffic to my Dynon HDX but I tried to input GPS from the HDX (to save having so many GPS antennas around) and it didn't work. To my mind, if it's not going to accept GPS in then GPS out is unlikely.

Edited to add: strange that it will use the GPS from a Flarm unit's feed if that is plugged in but it won't use a dedicated GPS feed from the Dynon kit  ???

Plane Finder detects ADSB, MLAT and has a Flarm feed. Small wonder it doesn't detect PilotAware.

If you've seen your aircraft on Plane Finder it is more likely to have been as a result of your Mode S transponder or ADSB, assuming you have either.

Technical Support / Re: Ghosting
« on: June 08, 2024, 11:13:03 am »
I would still check the config page to make sure it is only takes 5 seconds.

You haven't got SafeSky running in the background on a phone or similar have you? I've seen that spew up contacts and it took ages to track down the problem. It wasn't until the owner said he'd just check something on SafeSky and took his phone from his rucksack that the penny dropped  :D

Technical Support / Re: Ghosting
« on: June 06, 2024, 11:00:41 pm »
HEX codes have been known to change themselves, especially with an update etc. I would double-check your HEX code is correct in the configuration page.

What transponder are you feeding for ADSB Out?

Technical Support / Re: New FX unit
« on: May 08, 2024, 10:06:31 am »
Yes, the FX has a direct cable from a Flarm unit that allows existing Flarm unit traffic to be processed and displayed along with the other traffic (PAW & ADSB) that is received by the FX. The combined traffic can be displayed over WIFI, as usual, using a Flarm display and/or on an EFIS display.

The FX will use the power and GPS information from the Flarm unit, so no need to replicate.

When combined with something like the PowerMouse it costs less than a PowerFlarm Fusion (with ADSB In) but has all the added advantages of the PilotAware products. Great for something like a glider tug.

It does not allow a Flarm only-equipped aircraft to see you if you only have the FX. Obviously they would see you if you had a Flarm strapped to your FX.

As I said, Russ, I did ask for clarification of the RJ12 wiring but have not yet got the definitive answer. I assumed it would be the Flarm wiring I supplied but I have found differences even to that recently. The wiring to the Flarm input of the LED+ indicator has changed in the last few months, which leads me to suspect that not all Flarm outputs are equal and, therefore, not all Flarm wiring diagrams are to be taken as read  :(

I think it's going to be a matter of trial and error but I'm not in a position right now to do so.

 All will be well  :)

General Discussion / Re: not secure
« on: March 19, 2024, 09:34:38 pm »
.....even has the ‘sun’ position if appropriate based on time of day of the flight.

I would put money on that 'feature' never having been requested of the Pilot Aware developers  ;D

Big yellow thing outside the window.......why do I need an app for that?

Technical Support / Re: adsb (out) not showing on Vector
« on: March 19, 2024, 05:40:02 pm »
How old is the Funke transponder? The new versions are not brilliant for ADSB Out, the old ones could be useless. Upgrading them requires a return to Germany and a fair number of Deutschmarks.

General Discussion / Re: Rosetta FX
« on: March 03, 2024, 08:06:48 am »
How many coloured rings do you see versus pictures of traffic?

Hi Russ,

I can see no reason why you can't solder the existing wires to/from your SkyView onto the appropriate wires from the RJ11 connectors plugged into the FX. The wires are teeny and you'd need plenty of strain relief or they'll easily snap. The trouble is trying to crimp the AWG24 (for instance) wires into an RJ11 plug.....they're too big for the holes  ::)

I have asked about the exact layout of the FX RJ11 plugs but have not got a definitive answer. Lee did say to wire them as per Flarm but, unfortunately, they may have had a standard layout once but they don't any more, it would seem. As an example, I have attached what would appear to be the Flarm layout for RJ11, however, the other day when installing a Flarm indicator (LXLED+) we had one manual saying pins 2 & 3 were RS232, 4 GND and 5 DC but a slightly newer manual saying pin 1 is GND, 2 & 3 RS232 and 6 was DC. Same Flarm device and a couple of months difference made a big difference to how they were wired and did nothing to convince me there is a Flarm standard.

SO, the upshot of this is we need a kind soul from PAW to give us the definitive answer on the RJ11 pin layout for the FX. Pretty please  :)

don't suppose it can be pushed into the same plug can it rather than needing to use two like the standard PAW?

HMmmm, I don't know but I can see no reason why not but it would depend on how the FX has been configured internally. It might be that the 'In' RJ11 socket does not have an RS232 out connection internally and the same for the 'Out' wire. If both RJ11 slots are wired internally for in and out then you could (in theory) use the In from your SkyView GPS serial Out and the Out to your SkyView Flarm Traffic serial In.

SO, another pretty please; are the FX RJ11 sockets wired internally for RS232 in AND out (Rx/Tx)?

Yes, my PAW is feeding my HDX with traffic. I have the iGrid dongle and no problems at all. No warning messages and traffic stays shown.

As per my diagram, I have PAW USB port set to Flarm Out and HDX serial port is Flarm Traffic. I've set the baud rate to 115200 on both. Maybe if your baud rate is set lower it might not be fast enough for all the data (a very inexpert analysis I realise).

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