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Sorry this is a multipla of problems suddenly occuring, the 1090 indicator alternates betw green and yellow, the pi is permanently green, barometer is red and gps orange, the unit has been standing outside in 3/8 overvast for 30 mins no connection. The pics has been taken indore hence no targets on the gps.
I have taken apart the unit, taken of the bridge and reattached it. Its not power as u can see from the screenshots. What do i do next ?
Peter kehlet schou, denmark

Technical Support / weather on ads-b 978mhz
« on: May 01, 2019, 12:00:33 pm »
Hi from Denmark
We will begin testing with weather radar directly to i.e skydemon.

Noo electric already supply the dongle for the 10xx mhz

Can i add a noo electric dongle recieving 978mhz to the pilotaware, and will it work ?, alternativly substitute the 10xx dongle with the 978 to recieve weather ?

Pleased to hear

All the best from Denmark

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