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Topics - Keithvinning

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Latest News / PilotAware Micro ATOM station
« on: January 02, 2025, 02:29:55 pm »
PilotAware Micro ATOM Station

Want to Help Make the Skies Safer?

We know many of you are passionate about aviation safety and have told us you’d love to set up an ATOM station to get all the advantages — but wish it could be a bit easier, more affordable, and with a less bulky antenna array.
Well, we may have the solution!

We’re keen to share a new way you can get involved: the PilotAware Micro-ATOM station.

Here’s the plan:

1.   Refurbished Rosetta Units
We’re refurbishing Rosetta units returned through the FX upgrade program and pairing them with a smaller antenna array to create a compact, ready-to-go Micro-ATOM station.

2.   DIY Option for the Tech-Savvy
If you’re handy with electronics or a keen Amateur Radio enthusiast, we’d love for you to join the fun! We’re offering the refurbished electronics and software completely free for you to build your own Micro-ATOM station. It’s a fantastic way to use your skills and contribute to the ATOM network.

Don’t worry—we’ll provide simple, clear documentation to help you every step of the way.

Want to Get Involved?

Whether you’re interested in a pre-built station or a satisfying project, just drop us a line at
Make sure to include “Micro-ATOM Station” in your subject line and tell us a little about your skills or experience and which type you would like.

But hurry—units are limited for this trial run, so don’t wait too long!

We are keen to help you join us in making the skies safer for everyone and of course you will have the best Virtual RADAR screen available. – Its really infectious.

Latest News / New PilotAware FX video
« on: October 15, 2024, 12:43:40 pm »
A new video has been uploaded demonstrating the features of the all new PilotAware FX.
Please have a look at it and upload it to your favourite social media site to share the info.


PilotAware and FLARM have been working together to discuss how their products will converge in future developments to ensure full interoperability between the two systems.
Today's press announcement confirms our intent to work together for both Future and legacy products.

We both believe that this is a significant step forward in aviation safety for manned and unmanned aircraft.

Let us know what you think!

Post on your favourite Forum

Latest News / Sign up for the Newsletter
« on: March 24, 2023, 07:33:48 am »
Please Sign Up to keep up to date.

We now have a new bulk email service so we can send multiple emails easier to all our users. However, to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act this requires that you sign up to receive them.
If you haven't already signed up this is easily done by logging onto and requesting to join. This can be done from any blog or knowledgebase post in the Learn section.



Latest News / New Video to assist with installing PilotAware iGRID
« on: July 25, 2022, 06:03:32 pm »
A new video is available that provides step by step instructions on how to install the latest software and hardware to enable the use of iGRID on PilotAware devices.
The video is available at

Please share the link with your favourite social media sites and aviation forum.

Latest News / New Youtube Video now available.
« on: June 15, 2022, 10:42:00 am »
PilotAware iGRID Video

A new video has been uploaded that describes how PilotAware iGRID works and how to download the software and upgrade the hardware

Please have a look and share it with your friends on social media.


For aircraft Certified by EASA, revised Certification Specifications for Standard Changes and Standard Repairs (CS-STAN) now applies.

The new version of CS-STAN (Issue4) Standard Change CS-SC057a describes the light touch approval applied to install Electronic Conspicuity that specifically does not transmit on an aviation frequency.

This includes PilotAware and Flarm devices. This complements the existing approval for the installation of Antennas via standard Change CS-SC004b.

This is great news for the permanent installation of PilotAware in EASA certified aircraft.

We now need to work on CAA certified aircraft to get the same safety advantages.

For the full story and compliance please see the blog at

Latest News / Latest PilotAware Software Release Now Available
« on: June 02, 2022, 02:24:31 pm »

The latest PilotAware software release (shown in the link above) is now available including the latest innovation iGRID.

The second fantastic software release introduces an additional data link between your EC devices and the PilotAware servers using an existing mobile phone. This link is called iGRID.

iGRID will significantly increase the amount of traffic data available and provide new Flight Information Services for use in the cockpit.
PilotAware owners will immediately see the benefit of iGRID, which will also provide the platform for future innovations.

A WiFi link to your mobile hotspot is required using a second Ralink 5370 WiFi dongle.

The release features in-flight Weather overlaid on the new PilotAware RADAR screen with new traffic icons and points of interest.

For more information visit and download the new software using the PilotAware Firmware updater as shown in the knowledge base.

iGRID significantly increases the Situational Awareness available from PilotAware.

Latest News / Improving Safety Across the Channel.
« on: May 17, 2022, 06:28:59 pm »
More ATOM Stations Are Required Please. And We Will Help.

With the introduction of PWVerchoq in Northern France, we are now able to track aircraft across the Channel the short route. However we need more sites to make it robust and redundant. The following Blog post reveals all.

Please let your friends and favourite forums and Facebook pages know

Thanks Keith

Great news for PilotAware supporters.

We are now on finals for the release of phase 2 of the 2022 PilotAware software release and it's a game-changer for Electronic Conspicuity and in-flight Situational Awareness.

Those that have downloaded, and are using the latest software will know the January 22 software release included PilotAware SkyGRID™, which allows users to detect low flying aircraft that are not in range of a base station and relay their position to ATC units and also provide the low flying aircraft with information of aircraft around them. Read about how this works at

By adding a mobile link to provide additional data, the next software release due at the end of the month will increase the functionality of PilotAware well beyond anything available from any other GA Electronic Conspicuity or Situational Awareness system.

The additional data provided will contain a full in-flight updated weather map, points of interest and will also increase the types of EC types detected and significantly increase the amount of aircraft detected.

This really takes Electronic Conspicuity to the next level and beyond what others can supply.

To read more on what to expect please have a look at the Blog on the website at

I wonder what phase 3 will bring for the supporters of PilotAware?

The PilotAware Team
Working for you.

PilotAware has been personally contacted by Rinaldo Gaspari the president of AOPA Italia to let us know that they have negotiated a change in the law with the Italian Military authorities that enables PilotAware Rosetta and Flarm to legally be used in Italy. The following is an English translation of what they have done.

Whilst we were unaware that Italy did not follow the rest of Europe in the harmonisation of the 860 Band, we are delighted at the pragmatic and forward-looking approach taken by AOPA.

Following the recent announcement by EASA to include the 860 bands in their uSpace strategy this fantastic work by AOPA Italia will help in the integration of 860 Band systems through both ground-based and aerial-based rebroadcast and relay.

Coincidentally I also heard that 3 more ground stations have been requested in Italy

Just in time to do some Italian flying safari's

Roll on the summer


As you know for the past 4 years we have been providing electronics and software free of charge for the installation of ATOM ground stations in the UK and Europe.

This has been brilliant in that we now have over 300 sites installed all contributing to ATOM GRID and Sky GRID.

At the moment we have lots of Radio bridges etc but Raspberri Pi's are like gold dust and unavailable on the open market. So we don't have any to give away.

On the other hand, we have lots of folks who want to install ATOM stations to get the advantage of the best VRS available today.

So here is the ask, do you have a Pi 2B or 3B spare that you would like to donate to the cause.

We will then be able to refurbish and recycle them to provide greater cover in UK and Europe.

In exchange, we will add 2 years license fee to your existing Rosetta or classic unit for each unit that passes the refurbishing process in February..

If you can help please drop us a line at



Latest News / PilotAware License Price Increase.
« on: January 19, 2022, 09:53:36 am »
    PilotAware License Price Increase.

    Unfortunately, after 6 years we have to increase the annual license fee for PilotAware.

    Since 2016, PilotAware has continuously innovated to develop low-cost electronic conspicuity that provides as much functionality and interoperability as possible.

    Development is costly and prices are increasing. Consequently, we now have to increase the subscription by a modest £1 a month to £24 a year plus vat to cover the increased costs. We believe that the increased subscription still remains incredibly good value and will allow us to continue to innovate at a fast pace and provide you with even more incredible features to make our skies even safer.

    During this time PilotAware has continually raised its value through the addition of exceptional features, well over and above the original specification.

    These include;

    •   †Flight recording of all aircraft detected around you
                     o  Useful for airprox assumptions and investigations.
    •   Mode-C/S detection as a bearing less target.
                     o Providing vertical separation of Mode C/S aircraft.
    •   †Voice alerts.
                     o Allowing warnings whilst still maintain a horizontal scan.
    •   PilotAware RADAR screen.
                     o Providing a clearer view of local aircraft.
    •   †Subsidised installation of PilotAware ATOM stations.
                     o Over 300 stations installed in UK - Europe
    •   †Flarm detection and rebroadcast.
                     o Adding over 3500 Flarm targets
    •   †Mode-S/3D.
                     o Adding over 10,000 potential Mode-S targets
    •   Development of the PilotAware software defined network (GRID).
                     o Integrating stations together to provide greater range and capacity.
    •   †METARS
                     o Complementary In flight METARS from all stations within 150KMs
    •   †Historic remote playback of all flights and aircraft detected.
                     o Data provided to Aircrew Visualisation Apps
    •   Automatic software update.
                     o Memory stick
                     o Router
                     o Mobile Phone, IOS and Android.
    •   †PilotAware VECTOR EC fidelity checker
                     o Designed to help all GA pilots get the most out of any EC device.
    •   †PilotAware SkyGRID enhanced relay network.
                     oRevolutionary method of detecting aircraft at low levels and providing missing traffic data.[/li][/list]

      †UK, or World, first implementation

    The increase will take effect on licences updated after February 1st 2022.

    A paper has been put up on the PilotAware website outlining the effect of the CAA's latest ruling on the use of non approved systems at aerodromes.

    The result is that ATOM Stations can now be used for situational awareness but cannot be used for giving advice through a Flight Information Service by an ATCO or FISO.

    We now have over 120 ATOM stations (of the 240 installed) in use at airstrips and airfields, including the military, so this is good news. However, as most of these sites (but by no means all) don't have ATCO's and FISO's a Flight Information Service cannot be provided anyway.

    However, many of the airfields with ATOM's installed include Primary RADAR sites, so over time, we will be able to heed the CAP670 advice and check the information provided against real-world experience. Hopefully, this will provide evidence that some of the data is in fact good enough for inclusion in the provision of FIS reports and thereby contribute to aviation safety as it has recently at Turweston and other sites.

    This reminds me very much of the way that the disruptive technology of the internet totally overtook telecommunications private circuits (with hideously expensive rental costs) and is now indispensable. It took time but it now seems crazy to have paid thousands of pounds a year for a 2 MB/S link when 60MB/s is now available for £20+ a month.  plus sa change!

    The Blog post can be found at

    Also, have a look at the post on this forum on setting up a screen in your clubhouse using a Raspberry Pi in Kiosk Mode.,2139.0.html

    Latest News / Latest PilotAware Software Released for 2022
    « on: January 01, 2022, 04:18:07 pm »
    Happy New Year 2022 to You All from PilotAware.

    To start off 2022 on a high note, PilotAware has issued its latest software release 20220101.

    We would like to thank all of the members of the PilotAware TestFlight Team who have spent the last 3 months testing the latest release. Thanks to you all for your feedback and suggestions.

    As well as providing updates and bug fixes, it introduces exciting new technology that takes yet another innovative step along the road towards complete situational awareness, in the air and on the ground.

    We call this technology PilotAware SkyGRID and you can read all about it on the PilotAware website Blog at

    As well as releasing SkyGRID, we have also updated the website and expanded the Knowledgebase as a single point of contact for information on getting the most out of your PilotAware. This includes the latest Operating Instructions which have been broken down into individual sections for ease of use.

    Visit the knowledge base at

    Sky GRID is just one of the new technologies that we will be releasing in 2022 and the new software includes other features that we can switch on when we are ready.

    Download the latest software now to take advantage of SkyGRID and take your PilotAware Electronic Conspicuity and situational awareness to the next level and see even more aircraft particularly at low levels.

    PilotAware Team
    January 2022.

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